View Full Version : loud music

23-04-05, 13:23
I love to listen to my cd player with the ear phones loud but i have this thing about it can cause a brain bleed or a tumor.

Ive asked someone before who said no just deafness in later life so why dont i believe this.

23-04-05, 13:48

Has someone told you it can cause bleeding or brain tumor, or is it something you worry about?


**See the world more as it is, less as what you are.**

23-04-05, 13:49
No no one has told me this its something in my mind that everytime i listen to it i worry about it.

23-04-05, 14:51
i had to laugh when i read that cos i have to have music on really loud and if my mum comes to my house she is always saying you will damage your eardrums etc, etc, :D but hey some music is meant to be played loud LOL

kairen x

23-04-05, 16:20

Those things will definitely not happen to you - just keep telling yourself that.

Sarah :D

23-04-05, 16:41
tks guy for ur relies i know deep down it couldnt damage me but i always had that niggling thought but yous have confirmed it for me that its just me.

23-04-05, 18:59
**just deafness in later life **

Isn't this bad enough ?

23-04-05, 22:53
LOL Meg , yes it is bad enough.

Hi Taylor, these are just worries triggered by your anxiety, we tend to have so many irrationals thoughts and ideas...It won't happen to you tho, thats for sure.
I like some of my music loud ( i e faith no more, metallica) , it lifts my mood [^]
So, enjoy your music!
Take care.
Florence. x

**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

24-04-05, 11:25
lol florance i have the same taste in music as u although i prefer guns n roses always cheers me up.

I suppose deafness is as bad but i dont worry about that it was just the tumor i must be mad.

24-04-05, 11:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I suppose deafness is as bad but i dont worry about that it was just the tumor i must be mad</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

No you're not mad, its just worries triggered by your anxiety.

You have great taste in music !! [8D]

Take care.

**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**