View Full Version : Very worried now

03-07-08, 12:15
Hi all - I posted a little while ago about being worried about a sore patch on my mouth. In the interim I've had panics about moles, headaches etc etc but always come back to this sore patch. I've had 2 GPs look at it, and 2 visits to the dentist including an x-ray and all are telling me I'm ok. I worried that they have it wrong, especially as I've lost some weight recently.

I've another appt with my (very supportive) GP again tomorrow - should I bring it up again? Insist on a referral? Any advice would be great as I'm totally convinced I have mouth cancer and that no one believes me.


03-07-08, 14:24
Hi Ellida,
I've been worrying about the exact same thing for the last week-started off with a little blood blister thingy which I fiddled with and now I have this soar patch at the back of my upper teeth. Have not ventured to the Dr's or Dentist yet though. Have contented myself with the fact that the mouth is a bit of germ incrusted place so any little nick in the gum tissue could easily develop into an ulcer or something similar. I remember reading that mouth ulcers are a common sign of anxiety. I know in my own case when I'm a bit under the weather they appear out of no where and can hang around for a good few weeks before healing up. I think its also hard to get things like that out of your mind as if you're anything like me you'll be checking it every five minutes with your tongue to see if its still soar. For all you know this might even prolong the time it takes to heal. As far as mouth cancer is concerned I always thought dentists where trained to look for that as part of their job. You'd imagine that looking into 1000's of mouths a week would make them very skilled at spotting anything a bit odd. Mouth cancer is also extremely rare in people that don't smoke or chew tobacco products so unless you're chewing asbestos, gargling with tobacco juice or smoking 40 a day you'd think your chances of having anything nasty would be slim. That said it doesn't hurt to tell your Dr and get a wee bit of reassurance. I might even go myself now.
Take Care,

PS: Stop poking it with your tongue-you're not making it better:D

04-07-08, 12:15
thanks Steve - of course have managed to work myself up into a right old state before I see my GP this pm. I've also had earache all week and swollen tonsil etc etc etc - not great when you google (I know I shouldn't........).

Did you go to your doc in the end?

E xx

04-07-08, 12:27
Hi Ellida, try not to worry - the docs and dentist are experienced in this sort of thing so they know what to look out for. When you have a sore patch in your mouth it just takes longer to heal because of the location and you probably keep poking at it with your tongue.

I'm constantly chewing the inside of my mouth (effectively eating myself alive) and always have sore patches in there.

Are you being treated for your anxiety which is the root of all these probs? Maybe that's something you should also talk to your doc about.

04-07-08, 12:34
yes, doctors and dentists would pick up straight away if it was anything serious. i had same on my tongue years ago and nobody could convince me it wasnt anything serious. eventually some other ailment took my attention and then i realised that the sore patch had gone after id stopped thinking about it.

04-07-08, 12:45
I so sympathise with you! I have a little pale patch on my gum in front of my bottom front teeth. It is oval and about the size of an ulcer but it is not an ulcer: the skin is intact and not sore. It is slightly raised and looks like normal gum which is drained of blood. I am convinced it is mouth cancer! I have been in tears and having full on panic attacks about it..... despite the fact that I have been to a dentist and THREE doctors, all of whom say it is nothing to worry about. But I am having real trouble believing them. So I know what you are going through. xxx

07-07-08, 11:30
I can't ge t the worry of my head now. My GP said on Friday that she can't see anything wrong but I don't think she was looking in the right place (this pain radiates from an area on my gum). I've earache too, and now I've found a tender spot on my jaw just below where the sore patch is. This has now been going for three months and I just feel like I can't get anyone to take me seriously and I'm going to be really ill and it will all be too late.

Please help with some advice on what I should next?

PS My GP knows I'm suffer from HA and Ive just started my meds but am worried that these might be real symptoms that are being dismissed because I have HA