View Full Version : positive post

03-07-08, 17:22
I just wanted to do a positive post for a change. Ive just come back from tesco shopping where my son was a complete nightmare he ran in front of a woman in a wheel chair and she hit him flying accross the floor luckily neither were hurt but i felt awful. Anyway i started feelng really down and bgan going through my usual negative thoughts one of which was whats the point in keeping positive waiting for a good moment when they never seem to come. Any way at this point i just felt horrible and i called in my aunies and her niece was there with her grandson and he just reminded me that life is so simple. I dont need to constantly analyse everything like i do. I came from there feeling really positive.

03-07-08, 17:29
Hi hun :D :hugs:

Anxiety is hard, isn't it? its good to hear you came from your anuties feeling postive, kids, do remind us that life can be simple.

Your thread reminded me of something on her, please take a look, maybe you have read it allready, but its sooo true.

Here is the link




03-07-08, 17:45
oh jill thank you so much for that link. I had tears (the good kind) It is so true, we always see the bad in things and we certanly over coplicate things. My previous counsellor gave me a poster for my wall it says
Keep It Simple Stupid so everybody K.I.S.S

03-07-08, 18:47
Jill that was really lovely the simple things in life are the best and children really do have alot to teach us.


milly jones
03-07-08, 19:09
hey hunny

kids do these things cos theyre kids and free from worries.

sometimes we should emulate their freedom and give ourselves a break.

glad u felt more positive hun

milly xxxx

03-07-08, 20:59
jill thay was so lovely to read, we forget how great it is to be a child lets all find our inner child and have fun xx