View Full Version : Hand, foot & mouth. I am in a panic now:-(

03-07-08, 19:56
My 2 yr old daughter has hand foot & mouth, stuipd me read up on the Bupa website about what it is and read there are complications of meningitis, heart inflamation etc.... I am absolutly crapping myself that she will get seriously ill from it.

It has an incubation period of 6 days so im petrified I am going to get it now and my worst fear is meningitis, I know I will drive myself potty if I get it:weep:

It did say its more common in under 10s and my boys had it 2 yrs ago and were both fine, dh & I both avoided it thank goodness.

I am so anxious. It says its a mild common illness but I am very scared:weep:

03-07-08, 20:14
you must have seen the dr to have her diagnosed what did he/she say

03-07-08, 20:52
No we are seeing the GP tomorrow, he said to bring her back friday if no better, she has been burning up all week and we saw GP tuesday.

I know she has the symptoms that my boys had 2yrs ago, fever and blisters all in mouth and lips. My nephew has also just had this.

I remember the GP telling me 2 yrs ago that its a common mild illness and adults rarely get it but I am still worried for her and if I get it I know my anxiety will be sky high.

03-07-08, 21:07

Both My Boys Had It Last Year...its Really Nothing To Worry About.

Just Make Sure She Keeps Her Hands Clean And It Should Just Pass.

I Think The Name Makes It Sound Scary.....

Love Dawn X

03-07-08, 21:10
THanks Dawn,

DId you escape it? are they over the worst once the blisters appear? she had a temperature for 3 days before the blisters.

I remember my boys having lots of blisters.

03-07-08, 21:16
Hand foot and mouth was going around my sons school and we had leaflets on it and it didnt mention anything about any complications. On those websites they have to put the worst thing that has ever happened when someone had it, even if it happened to one person. I wouldnt worry to much about it. I panicked when my sons teacher 1st told me because i thought of foot and mouth that all those animals died of but its nothing to do with that (silly me).

03-07-08, 21:50
Thanks so much.

DId your son get it? its not nice is it.

I thought that when I first heard about it too;-)

04-07-08, 07:54
Hi there my friends daughter had this too and was fine. Mate, even if you googled the common cold they would put in the worse complications such as pneumonia or something daft. It's so wrong and it shouldn't be allowed:mad:

Siobhan x

04-07-08, 14:16
Thanks Shiv,

My hubby says the same as you, it could be only 1 person it happened to but they still put it on these sites, its not nice to read.

04-07-08, 14:47
My kids both had it and barely noticed - it's just the same as getting chicken pox, probably less serious than that even.

04-07-08, 15:24
Thanks Jo,

Did you escape it?