View Full Version : Newbie..... Is it just me?

03-07-08, 20:16
Hi i'm new here,

I'm 28 and live in the UK.

I suffer with anxiety..

At the minute i am obsessed with the fear of death and in particular fear of cancer.... every symptom i have i'm convinced its cancer and its consuming all my thoughts everyday.....i do have vague symtoms atm in relation to my throat- a sensation of food getting stuck and tinnitus... so i'm convinced its throat cancer, doctor thinks its highly unlikely as i have no other symptoms but had referred me to an ENT specialist,

but i'm like this with everything atm :weep:

I am jut weird? I'm too embarressed to tell anybody but this fear is making me so sad. I don't want to die or be ill i have 2 young children and love them so so so very much...

Thank you for reading, please don't laugh at me....


03-07-08, 20:34
Hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Everyone here is so understanding and know what you are going through so you will never be laughed at. when i was reading your post i throught i had written it, i have the same fears as you and always feel like i have something in my throat. plz feel free to pm me if you need to talk ok. ive been here since last sept and it has been so good for help and made me feel better about things.

take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


03-07-08, 20:36
hiya, no one is going to laugh at you. a lot of us have the same feelings as you do, its ok. hope your alright & hope you find some great comfort & advice from nmp. take care. xxxxx

03-07-08, 20:54
hi jo
please dont think anyone will laugh at you we are all in similar situations i have 2 young children and my fear is i am gonna drop down dead with a brain tumor having all kinds of symptoms, is all down to anxiety but is so damn hard to challenge our thoughts, if you ever want to talk i am here keep strong xx

03-07-08, 21:06
Hi and welcome, noone will laugh at you, please take time to read the related threads on throats, so many of us have this symptom or have had it, I too had hospital treatment for it, infact it was my first symptom, so made diagnosis even harderI dont suffer from health anxiety normally and could not believe it when I was told it was anxiety,I went for more and more tests, one thing I do, is drink lots and lots of water, it proves to me i can swallow, because I never thought I could,
Take care and welcome again.

03-07-08, 21:21
Thank you all so much for your kind reassuring posts.

I'm making my life so sad by being so pre-occupied with death and cancer... i hate myself for doing this to myself....

I can't die, i love my children too much....

I think i need help tbh.

I'll try and find some related threads- where do i look?


03-07-08, 22:33
Hiya hun look under health anxiety in the forum you will find loads of ppl like your self and with the same worries and all the reasuring replies they have had back.


04-07-08, 09:59
Hi Jo,
Sorry to hear you're not feeling too well at the minute. Your certainly not alone with this sort of worry. I've been doing this all week myself and previously had neck/throat pain for several weeks last year. Of course I thought it was cancer.....alas I was proved wrong again! It seems all to easy to worry about neck and throat related symptoms doesn't it. Its not surprising though that when we're anxious it can manifest itself in neck/throat pain. There are so many muscles and tendons supporting that big ball atop our necks its no wonder we get the odd knot of pain or discomfort. I try to content myself in the knowledge that throat cancer is practically unheard of in people that don't habitally irritate the area with various chemicals such as tobacco. Even if this was the case the chances of it occurring in anyone as young as yourself must be extremely remote. Obviously some people do contract nasty illnesses, but as far as throat cancer is concerned I personnally don't no anyone who has contracted it. My circle of friends know of no one who has contracted it so although they're out there in real terms it must be pretty rare. We would both have to be pretty exceptional to contract throat cancer wouldn't we? It always amuses me that while I don't buy a lottery ticket as I no I have no chance of winning I assume I'll win the nasty illness lottery every day of the week.:D Hope you get some reassurance at the ENT(I've been there too)
Take Care,

04-07-08, 10:31
Hi! My name is Jo too, I've noticed there's a few of us on here, maybe our name makes us predisposed to this :lac:

The cancer worry always terrifies me too, yesterday I discovered what looked like a lovebite on my neck and I didn't do anything fun to get it. Well I did a stupid thing - I googled it and totally terrified myself even more (serious cyberchondriac)

My fear is also of dying and leaving my young children, it is a very common fear but some of us become obsessive about it, constantly recreating a terrible scenario in our minds and catastrophising.

It becomes a habit and you become very inward thinking about how you are feeling - it's all consuming and this makes you become hyper aware of any sensations in your body.

Have you been to your doctor yet? You may need some help to get yourself out of this loop, believe me doctors see this so much and they will not laugh at you or think you are ridiculous - it is very real to the sufferer and absolutely terrifying. They may prescribe you some medication and/or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - these both helped me last time and I recovered after a couple of months.

I'm having a bout of it again 2 yrs later, so I'm on the fluoxetine again - 5 days into treatment I feel a bit better.

Take care, and it does get better I promise. :hugs:

Jo x

04-07-08, 12:06
hiya and welcome, we would never laugh at ya hun, what u have is a very common problem and can be sorted out. quite often something will trigger this. i had it 3 yr back when my nan died of cancer after i was convinced i had that and everything else but after about 6 months it passed and i am ok now. but i am still a worrier and something could trigger it off but luckily for me it doesnt last too long. you will get some great advice and support here and meet new friends too. hugs xx

milly jones
04-07-08, 12:18
hiya jo

NOBODY will laugh at u in nmp hun

everyone here has different anx but we all work to support each other xx

a very warm welcome

milly xxx :hugs:

04-07-08, 13:41
Hi and welcome. NO-ONE is going to laugh. Some of us here have the most ludicrous fears, me included, and death and cancer seem to be top of the leaderboard with heart attacks and going mad up there as well


04-07-08, 15:24
Hi Jo,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. I also have the constant ringing in my ears so I understand how it makes you feel. I also get the choked feeling in the throat so please know you are not alone.

Take care,


05-07-08, 22:24
Hi Jo and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. You're definitely not alone, lots of people with anxiety get these thoughts and feelings. Have a good look through the pages on the left which are full of useful info.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-07-08, 16:48
Hi Jo

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

12-07-08, 17:41
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx