View Full Version : still struggling

03-07-08, 21:54
Hi everyone,

If you have read any of my posts before, you know that I have been struggling with major panic about my health. I have had so many tests which all came back normal, and I am very grateful for that, but I still feel that it is a physical condition and not anxiety/panic that is causing my symptoms.

First I was worried about pain radiating from a spot by the top of my right ear which has ranged from stabbing to throbbing to burning. Now I have episodes where my right arm feels numb and tingly, and I feel trigger points between my neck and my right shoulder that almost feel like little knots. There are times when I feel like the whole right side of my head, from my scalp down to my upper back and right arm, is burning. I saw an orthopaedic surgeon a few days ago who ruled out an orthopaedic problem and a pinched nerve in my neck, but yesterday the pain was terrible. It still bothered me even after I took Vicodin.

I am sure that a lot of you have gone through a similar situation where you had symptoms that scared the hell out of you, went to see several doctors, had a bunch of tests and felt like no one was ever going to tell you what was wrong with you. I guess I am looking for some reassurance since I feel like I am going to go crazy from panic about my symptoms. I started medication for anxiety and depression today and am trying to be hopeful about that.

Can anyone share a similar experience or give me some advice please? My next step is seeing a neurologist.

Thanks for your help!