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04-07-08, 09:33
does anyone get this feeling when there going to sleep that there going in to a really deep sleep and sinking away its so scary that i quickley wake my self up weird.:)

04-07-08, 13:36
Oh god I get the very same and wake up with a real start that I'm going into such a deep sleep that I'm about to die. If I'm extremely tired I get that feeling all the time as I'm drifting off

Siobhan x

04-07-08, 21:29
thats what i feel,its like your about to die.you think if i dont wake up now ill be dead how strange.

06-07-08, 16:47
Hi hun,

Yes, I have had this,

When we are acute, we notice any changes within our bodys, the sinking feeling is your body relaxing and going into the sleep mode. The body will feel heavy, NOW, what happens next your mind kicks in and the flight, fight respons comes in, you don't know this feeling, you have never felt it before, so you fear it, the mind goes all negative and you think the worse, ( ohh I am going to die) so you stop it, you wake yourself up.

I know this feeling IS very, very, scary, but try dame hard to help yourself understand, that its just your body, relaxing, going to the sleep mode, it is normal, it happens to everyone, the patten is the same everytime you sleep, but right now, your are noticing this mode kicking in and Mr anxiety is playing with you.

I have had a few things happen to me when I was asleep regarding going to sleep and waking up, my goodness me, it frightend the life out of me, but I know now, that its all anxiety related, knowing and understand why it happens helps soo much.

I do hope this has helped you understand a little more, even if its just knowing you are not alone, this does pass in time.



06-07-08, 19:44
Hi hun,

i get this sometimes, even when ive been feeling ok! I'm glad to hear i'm not the only one, but it scares me about going to bed for a good week after it happens, silly i know.

Hope you take comfort in knowing you're not alone

Cassi xxx

07-07-08, 01:34
I have also had this alot the last several months. There have been a few times that I have even gasped. Has anyone ever had that? I don't have sleep apnea but when I'm about to drift off I sometimes gasp. It's like my nervous system won't let me completely relax and go to sleep. I have been taking sleeping pills a few times a week and I do notice that when I take them I don't have this happen. It is very scary, I know.

07-07-08, 01:54
Hi ro44

Yes, I have had the gasping, from what I know, when we are going to sleep, the heart rate slows down our breathing gets shallow, just as we start to relax and go to sleep. For me, as I said when I was acute, I put this down to me noticing the sleep mode coming on, me noticing things more, the relaxing, (heavy feeling) the breathing gowing shallow, (feeling the need to bring more air in) IT can be very scary if you don't know whats going on and you feel you can't breath.

I don't know much about sleeping pills, maybe they knock you out quicker, put you into sleep mode faster. Maybe some other memeber will know more about sleeping pills.

Sleep problems are very common with panic, anxiety, allthough very scary, none of the symptoms will harm you.



07-07-08, 02:57
Thanks Jill,

It's nice to know I'm not the only one. It has been a very scary symptom. I have had it where I will gasp and then make myself stay awake for fear of it happening again. I try not to take the sleeping pills if I can help it. I mainly take them if my pvc's are really bad or if I just feel so anxious that I can't seem to unwind.

Thanks again,
