View Full Version : Chiropractor and health anxiety

04-07-08, 10:50

I'm new to the forum. I've been suffering from health anxiety for over a year now due to a pre existing heart condition I have called SVT. I have been told my condition is non life threatening but still continue to worry about it.

Since my last episode around a year ago, I have sufferd from terrible fatigue, loss of appetite and constant nervousness in social situations. I feel that my heath anxiety is getting worse as I keep jumping from one thing to another.

I have recenty been to see a chiropractor who told me he could help with the my anxiety and tension in my head, stomach etc... He done a few pressure point techniques and cracked my neck which has seemed to relieve a lot of the tension.

Unfortunately as soon as I got home I googled the technique he had done and found numerous stoires in which young people have suffered strokes following the neck cracking technique. This has sent my anxiety into overdrive and now I feel contsantly on edge and feel as though I am waiting for something terrible to happen. I have decided to stop attending the chiropractors due to this fear. Just wondering if anyone can reassure me the procedure is safe and give any advice on the ways to combat this terrible anxiety condition?

Thanks, James :)

04-07-08, 11:16

Fist things first

As ALL of us will tell you: NEVER EVER GOOGLE!!!!

It tells you worst case and most of the time a one in a billion chance.

If you need proper correct advice you must only ask your nurse or Dr, stick to this and it will stop you from jumping to other illnesses, I swear.

You will see the results of not googling in a week or so.

Now I rreally really think you will be fine, if you had a blood clot you would sure as heck know by now, don't tense up again and waste the chiropractors good work.

No way have I ever herd of this and loads of my family go have this done.

You will be fine, maybe cbt or meds???? ask your Dr :yahoo:

04-07-08, 18:57
I really do think you should go back for your next appointment.

I had the exact same thing as you. I have my neck cracked when I go and on the first time he told me there was a risk of a stroke following such procedures, but to put it into context it was a smaller risk than taking paracetamol and having a stroke and we take them all the time without worrying. It worried me initially, especially when I started getting strange symptoms like tingling in the arm etc (but this was all due to my body realigning). Now I don't think about it and I'm still here and have had it done about 6 or 7 times. People have it done all the time so I really wouldn't worry and I find it is excellent for releaving headaches and ringing in the ears.

05-07-08, 02:33
I agree never google!!!!
I googled before making an appointment to a chiropractor so I have never been but desperately want to and know I need to. If it made you feel better that is awesome! What you read on google is hard to trust and is always the worst case scenerio. Now if we could just believe that, I am sure we would all feel better!!
Seriously though, if it helps keep it up! Maybe I will get brave and give it a go.

06-07-08, 14:06
I certainly think you should give it a go. I couldn't believe just how much tension could mess with your body until he pointed out to me exactly that all the pain I was getting was as a result of it. My neck feels better which got rid of a lot of the dizziness and headaches, and my back feels so much better too. Before I was getting pins and needles in my hands and feet and now it feels much better. Certainly if you tell them you're anxious about it I'm sure they would do all they could to put you at ease. Give it a go!

07-07-08, 13:58
A few years ago there was a story in the papers/tv news telling about a woman who had suffered a stroke at the hairdressers. She said the way we put our necks into the grooves in the basins press on arteries or something or other. Every time I go to a salon I worry that I'll have a stroke because I'm not sat properly at the sink!! That was years ago and I'm still here. There will always be exceptions. Try not to dwell. Just enjoy the fact that you're feeling less tense.

kay x

07-07-08, 16:21
ksmith, it' funny cos I think about that too. The basin is really hard against your neck and I read that somewhere before as well. Doesn't stop me haing my hair doen though :)

06-12-08, 02:55
Just to relieve your anxiety about chiropractors and adjusting your cervicals, I am in chiropractic school right now and the chances of having a stroke from a doctor of chiropractic is slim to none. The statistics that they have posted are based on everyone that has adjusted cervicals, from doctors of osteopathy to physical therapists which are not trained to do this. It is a very good techniqe and very helpful in relieving many problems. Hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to ask. :D