View Full Version : Do the dreams mean anything!!!!

04-07-08, 11:13
Hi everyone, I have heard lots of stories about people and their dreams….some say it scares them….some laugh at it….some see something good coming……I have never experienced such dreams…..I would like to know that does a dream mean really anything……does it hold a special meaning…or its just that people build something up!!!!

04-07-08, 11:30
Hi Paxton

I think the realistic answer to this is that nobody really knows how significant a dream is. I think it all depends on what you believe or can convince yourself of. Personally I think that a dream is a mixture of sub conscious thoughts that form themselves into a different pattern. For example my daughter is due to give birth soon and we were talking about what the baby would look like. Both my daughter and her partner are very tall so we assume the baby will be long. now that night I dreamt that the baby had arrived but it was the size of a two year old. As the dream went on this baby although only days old could walk and talk and I was aware that this wasn't normal etc etc and so the dream became uncomfortable. Now this is probably because I am anxious for everything to turn out well and the baby to be fine. I don't for a minute think she is going to have a two year old baby.

Several years ago I went to a dream workshop. We all took with us a dream that we could remember and each person talked the group through their dream. Then each member of the group said what they would think that dream meant to them as if it were their dream. It was really interesting to get a different outlook and interpretation. Really though I think dreams are made up of random thoughts that your brain picks up and then rejiggles into a different story. Sometimes they are good stories and othertimes they are more sinister but always fiction.

04-07-08, 13:44
Lots of things in dreams are obviously based on what's in the forefront of your mind. That said, sometimes though I've had dreams where weird things seemed to come from nowhere - e.g. I've met people in dreams who had real, complex personalities and who didn't resemble anyone I knew in real life.

I've dabbled in mysticism and stuff and I think maybe dreams can be premonitory. E.g. I once had a dream about an Indian TV crew, which seemed the most random subject imaginable, and then the next day I caught a bit of a TV programme about... an Indian TV crew :\

I've also had vivid dreams featuring very intense emotional experiences that bore uncanny resemblences in both tone and setting to events that subsequently happened. Which kind of sucked because most of the emotional experiences were very bad ones.

Best not to believe in all that really, if you can manage it. Most of my dreams are pretty neutral in tone and I think part of me is usually aware that "this isn't really happening", which spoils the good bits as well as mitigates the bad bits.

05-07-08, 02:50
Personally I feel the most common form of dreams are an indicator of our state of mind. For instance, how many of us have dreamt of running or trying to escape from something or someone but you feel you're not getting anywhere? This is the dream that I used to get alot.

This type of dream simply means that you are trying to run away from something in your daily life that you're afraid of or feel stressed about. It could be an emotional worry or thought, or based on a job that we hate.

I know though that some medications can also cause nightmares. When I used to take seroxat I can remember waking and screaming because I dreamt someone was beside the bed.

I think often we see things on TV or things around us that at the time don't register but the thoughts are stored in our subconscious and then connected and replayed as a "story" in the form of a dream based on a worry that's troubling us.:hugs:

05-07-08, 04:41
There are two faces to it…some believe and some do not. Everyone has his own story. But I feel that the dreams are somewhat a part of our life and they do convey a message. Like I had a dream of going on jogging and I was continuously jogging ….and the dream broke. And when I had the dream analysis (http://dreamfortunetelling.com) I found that it meant my motivation was becoming higher and when I put it in my life…its true. I am feeling motivated with the things around i.e. to be more hard-working and achieve something.