View Full Version : can anxiety really cause this?

04-07-08, 11:48
I have been suffering from ringing/buzzing in ears, wobbly legs and arms, dizziness, nausea, no appetite, extreme tiredness, crying a lot, feelings that nothing is real, like im not really part of the world around me, extreme feelings of panic and fear. complete inability to cope with simple tasks like making cup of tea. I have been to doctor and he says I am sufferering from severe anxiety. I dont beleive him and think i have a brain tumour or something. My mum reckons that I am on verge of nervous collapse as I have been through some awful things in last number of years and as she says I sailed through them all unnaturally. She reckons I am having a delayed reaction to the stress i went through then and that my body is simply trying to tell me to rest. My mum and other family members have insisted i stay in bed, wont let me do anything, even housework or leave the house. I think they are being extreme but mum says she is taking doctors orders that i must have complete rest and no stress whatsoever or I may need to be hospitalized. I dont know what to think? I find it hard to believe I feel so ill just from anxiety?

04-07-08, 12:05
Awww Nikki :hugs:

All of the symptoms you describe are so common with severe anxiety, your mind is making you imagine that its something worse as it's hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel this awful, but believe me, i've suffered this many times and it can make you feel like you are dying (you are not)

Often if we have been through a stressful period, we may think we are ok but sometimes our bodies do have a delayed reaction.

Please listen to your family and let them care for you through this. I am a firm believer in rest (it is mentally and therefore physically exhausting to feel this way). Allow everyone else to take over to take the pressure of you while you recover, you are lucky to have family who can do this for you so you should make the most of it. Think of it as having any other illness, you need to take time out to get better.

Have you been prescribed any other type of treatment?

Take care of yourself
Love Jo x

04-07-08, 12:25
Im just taking stemetil, 5mg, 3 times a day as a different doc originally diagnosed me with an ear infection but this other doctor yesterday said my ears were fine but to finish the stemetil anyway. not really sure what they are for to be honest. This is the first time family have stepped in, usually I would never tell them if anything is wrong, Mum happened to call while i was crying and it all came out and she sent me to second doc and then chatted to him herself afterwards. he must have scared her as she will not let me do anything. I am so worried though as i started a new job on monday and managed to get through tues and wed while i felt so sick and luckily i was off yesterday and today. However i feel under so much pressure to be well again for monday, but mum is trying to get me to agree to her getting sick note of doctor. thing is though going on the sick when ive just started a new job will probably make me more anxious. I cant see how im going to feel fine by monday though when i feel so ill now. its horrible :(

04-07-08, 14:48
Hmm I think a low dose of stemetil is for nausea/vommiting

I would ask your Dr why he gave it to you. Try to put things into perspective...your job is not the end of the world.....you being happy and healthy is more important...did you tell your Doc how bad your anxiety really is??

I know that's hard to do but make sure they know.

Rest up

04-07-08, 15:51
I have been suffering from ringing/buzzing in ears, wobbly legs and arms, dizziness, nausea, no appetite, extreme tiredness, crying a lot, feelings that nothing is real, like im not really part of the world around me, extreme feelings of panic and fear. complete inability to cope with simple tasks like making cup of tea. I have been to doctor and he says I am sufferering from severe anxiety. I dont beleive him and think i have a brain tumour or something. My mum reckons that I am on verge of nervous collapse as I have been through some awful things in last number of years and as she says I sailed through them all unnaturally. She reckons I am having a delayed reaction to the stress i went through then and that my body is simply trying to tell me to rest. My mum and other family members have insisted i stay in bed, wont let me do anything, even housework or leave the house. I think they are being extreme but mum says she is taking doctors orders that i must have complete rest and no stress whatsoever or I may need to be hospitalized. I dont know what to think? I find it hard to believe I feel so ill just from anxiety?

Don't worry it sounds like anxiety, I doubt very much if it is a brain tumour.:)

04-07-08, 18:44
Yes ive had ringing ears, tiredness, loss of apetite, weight loss, headaches, etc... I could go on;-) since I started with anxiety.

I have had the brain tumour worry many times, try not to panic, your GP would know if you had a brain tumour.

04-07-08, 18:59
Hi Stemitil is for dizzyness as well ,I have had them. I have had all the symptoms you describe and it's not very nice at all I really feel for you. But take heart from the fact that these are all anxiety related and you don't have a brain tumor as I thought I had also. Ask your doctor for some counselling this can help or medication for anxiety just to get you through the worst.
Take care:bighug1:

tayside lassie
05-07-08, 08:40
hiya ...yes all your symptoms sound like anxiety but if youve had an ear infection that can cause anxiety in itself ..most of the time thats why i feel anxious because of my ears that causes dizziness then that starts me feeling anxious ..my doc told me that if there is infection or ear probs it knocks your balance off and can cause you you to feel anxious /wobbly legs /eye probs try not to worry and i hope all your symptoms disappear for you ...

i used to take stemitil as well but it made me feel so sleepy its used for dizziness/sickness ( meniere's disease ;dizziness ) and according to one doc can help with anxiety ? ....

take care sally :hugs:

05-07-08, 10:35
I felt very much like this about 4 - 5 weeks ago & things have gradually started to improve.
My appetite has started to improve, I am alot calmer not so tearfull.
My arms & legs are still achy & my energy levels are still low but I'm on the road to recovery.

Please listen to your family, you do need complete rest & then pace yourself, don't ahve a good day & rush back to work as you will be back to square one.

Mine was also a result of 5 yrs of anxiety/stress & exhaustion & it all suddenly hit me when things started to get a little easier.
I too could not believe all of these symptoms could be the result of anxiety & exhaustion & only now that I am improving that I am starting to accept that my body & mind just reached sturation point.

It is crap timing with a new job but maybe that was the final trigger. YOU MUST PUT YOURSELF FIRST, let your family help & hope you are feeling better soon.

05-07-08, 13:02
dont worry i get that all the time rest can be the best thing and another time not i have a hobby to do so i do that and try and concentrate and relax that way i find if i sit around i think about it the attack more then start freaking out well bad good luck hope this helps from tracy

05-07-08, 15:09
Hello, i have felt/feel this all the time and its really really horrible. i have coped well with anumber of awful things over the years and all of a sudden my body has said oi you i have had enough and gone into shock/ it will get better it just takes time i have not had a "panic attack" for six months but still have a horrible feeling of anxiety but it is getting better everday and you learn to try and ignore most of the horrible feelings. and there is no harm in crying, i nearly cry everyday and its a good thing see it has a release! take care love xxx