View Full Version : need reassuance

04-07-08, 13:45
im so scared ive got my 1st counselling session now and im reallt worried shes gonna put me in a mental institution. Im having the craziest thoughts that dont even make sense to me. I dont really pnic anymore i dont really feel anything anymore just worry. Im on the verge of panicking now though. Does anyone else get crazy thoughts that sometimes wont stop.

04-07-08, 13:58
Hi there. I' sure you won't be locked away :) Panic attacks alone are no reason to send someone intoan institution.

You are not going mad. My partner is a Mental Health Nurse Manager. He says truly mad people don't know they are mad.

Good luck with your appointment. I hope it helps you.:hugs:

04-07-08, 14:02
I think maddie summed it up there. That was the thing that i was told that virtually stopped me thinking I was schizophrenic. The voices they hear are real to them and they don't recognise it as going mad

Siobhan x

ps Did you get my pm