View Full Version : I almost fainted today, feeling very scared.

04-07-08, 14:13
I was in work this morning, I was asked to pass someone a key rom the cupboard behind me, I stood up and on standing I blacked out, I get this occasionally but not as bad as this, I then had like a rush of panic and flashing liughts at the side of my face each side:-( I sat down and felt really shakey. I rang my boss and she told me to go and see my GP and not worry about work.

I was really anxious, dh picked me up and took me to the dr.
The dr was really nice, she listened to my worries and what had been happening lately, ive been having alot of palpatations recently and feeling abit black on standing.

She took my BP and it was 100/60 which she said was quite low, ive lost half a stone, I am not eating or drinking enough and I am working alot. She thinks all of that aswell as feeling abit anxious recently with the children being ill its all got on top of me but she said it was only a head rush on standing so its BP related and not to panic.

Has anyone else experienced this? is my bp very low and is probably whats causing it? I am now at home, told to rest for a week and take care of myself. I feel so stupid but I was crying at the dr's and now I am petrified its going to happen again and that with the palpations its linked to something serious:-( the dr assured me its not and to try not to panic but I can't, its really frightened me:blush:

I am having bloods for my thyroid next week.

Sorry to post, just after some reassurance, I am feeling terrible:weep:

04-07-08, 14:24
When I was 18 i was cashing up my till and thought i was 200 short...it was xmas

I started to see stars then everything went white and people asking if i was ok sounded like they were miles away, then I had to be taken home

You havbe worn your body down, it's not a serious illness you are just so stressed and have not eated properly, your body can only take soo much.

Please rest and eat,,nibble if you have to and think about medication for a while they help me. talk to your Dr again about that

Your Dr knows best, :hugs:

Cathy V
04-07-08, 14:36
Hi libby, yes your doc is right about the low bp, they do say that the normal range is around 120/70 to 130/80 ish. My 20 yr old daughter is always around 119/70 and she can feel a bit spaced out if she overexerts herself.

Mine was always around 135/83 until last year when for the first time ever i had high bp and had to take beta blockers to bring it down. The doc over here told me it was psychosomatic because of the upheaval of moving away from family to another country. Its always best for bp to be low rather than high, but if its too low it will make you feel dizzy when standing etc. and its good that you're having thyroid tests as i believe an overactive thyroid can cause palpitationa and weight loss too, and is easily treated anyway.

Try not to worry too much...easier said than done i know!
Take care
Cathy xxx :)

04-07-08, 14:53
Thanks Cathy,

I just hope I can relax, ive just about stopped shaking. It just caused a terrible anxiety attack after it happened:-(

04-07-08, 14:54
Thanks Joyce,

I am still having palps now, I know they can be linked to dehydration so im worried now as i only drink a pint of water a day that I am severly deydrated but my GP and my hubby said id know if I were that bad.

I just will see how I go, take monday off work and rest abit.

04-07-08, 15:13
Oh yes if you were dehydrated that bad you would know im sure.

Any way palps are normal for all of us...even when i dont feel stressed I get them, and sometimes weird skipped heart beats and they make me cough!

Go buy some complan and sports drinks while you try to get your appetite back....but make sure you dont replace you meals with them!!! have the complan after a nibble of food as it does fill you up.

Complan puts weight on and is full of vitamins and minerals, I had to drink it when i lost my weight and couldn't eat, I was dehydrated the Dr said he could tell by my keytones in my urine....

04-07-08, 15:19
Thanks Joyce,

I shall get some today.

04-07-08, 18:43
Thanks everyone, I am feeling a tad better this afternoon, less worried it will happen again.

I think ive accepted it was just my bp dropping on standing, I have never had it that bad before but it hopefully won't happen again. It didn't half give me a fright.

I think the thyroid test will come back fine aswell, just hope the palpatations get better in time.

18-02-09, 19:37

I am new:welcome:...I have a question? I just start taking seroplex, does anyone know anything about that medicine? please let me know:D

19-02-09, 15:07
I have low blood pressure and if I stand up too quickly I come over all lightheaded and see stars- very common I believe.Wenjoy x