View Full Version : Hope someone else has had this

04-07-08, 16:20
Hi Everyone

I went to the dentist yesterday and had a check up and xrays. All went well but when he looked at my xrays at the end he mumbled something about a "shadow", he then asked his assistant something and then told me evrything was fine and that was it for another 6 months. When he went out of the room I asked his assistant if my xray was ok she said "yes, he wouldn't have let you go if there was anything wrong". I know I'm being silly but I went home worrying about it and now fear I have cancer of the jaw of something. My husband has tried to reassure me and told me that "a shadow" on the xray meant a cavity or something (not like a shadow on a lung xray). Has anyone had heard of a shadow on a tooth xray? Please reassure me someone:weep: x

04-07-08, 16:27
Wow dentists deal with that, if he/she thought something was wrong or "strange" he would send you to the Dr pronto!!!

04-07-08, 16:32
I think if he suspected it was something sinister he woulda suggested you visit your doc, they would tell you if they thought there was anything seriously wrong.

Shadow is probably dentists code word for something like a cavity as your hubby says. If you are really fretting about this though, I would call up the dentist and ask them, just to put your mind at rest.

04-07-08, 18:26
It could mean that there is a shadow on a tooth as if a cavity is about to form. When I speak to my friend who is a dental nurse I will ask her.