View Full Version : A crappy day!

04-07-08, 21:51
Hi Everyone
Just thought I would write a short post this evening as I am feeling a little anxious. The weather has been lovely and hot and this resulted in my 5 yr old daughter having an episode of vomiting. I have always been a little scared of being sick and in the past when anybody is, I tend to get pretty scared. I came down after my bath and I could hear crying in the kitchen. My husband had sick all over him and was holding her over the sink. I felt really guilty afterwards because I tend to show how on edge I am when this happens. I did comfort her but I know I will be on edge all night now waiting for the next time(if there is going to be one) Does anybody else have panicky thoughts over things like this? Gary said that he could see instantly that I was scared and said I should be careful that Emily doesn't notice it. I think along with my anxiety I must have certain phobia's about a few things(christ anything else!)I may sit up with her tonight as I don't want her to wake up in bed with it as I will have a panic attack I just know it.http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon9.gif
See you all soon
Mothermac xxxxx

04-07-08, 22:21
i'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so bad mothermac, i hope you feel better soon.
i have to say i'm just the same when it comes to people being sick, just hearing someone in the flat above/below doing so sends my anxiety into overdrive, i've never been able to stand it. it's silly because it's unavoidable, people are always going to get sick, so i just try and breathe and brave the situation as best i can, although i have to admit there are numerous times i have to just get away from it.
take care and i hope your daughter feels better soon (:

05-07-08, 03:02
Thanks Trampslikeus
I know it's silly to worry about something like "being sick",but i suppose it's just because it pinpoints the fact that something is wrong somewhere and that is what fuels anxiety. I am writing this at 3am and she didn't have another bout so I think it may have been a one off.
I will try and cope better next time as it's like you say,it cannot be avoided really and especially with a young child it's nigh on impossible.
(I think it's time to ban the sweetie jar!)
Love Mothermac xxxxxxxxxxxx

05-07-08, 10:05
Just sending you some hugs hun, im sorry your little one was not well and this made you feel anxious. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you all.

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

take care.


05-07-08, 16:52
Hi to Trampslikeus and Kellie
Thanks for replying to my post on my particular crappy day yesterday. My daughter was sick again roughly about 4am,just after I had been on No panic and that resulted in us all coming downstairs and spending the rest of the night waiting for the next episode.I always feel really anxious around people who are sick, I don't know why,I think it's not knowing what causes it that's scary.She had been running around the garden in the hot sun for a good few hrs and when I thought about it she didn't drink very much,I think it may have been a bit of heat exhaustion. Anyway she seems better this afternoon but hasn't had a lot of food.I did a bit of shopping and it's a night of tv and books I think.
Speak to you all soon,hope your day was ok and the weather not too awful(it rained most of the day here)
Love Mothermac xxx