View Full Version : hi all

04-07-08, 22:48
hi, im nix
im not too good with introducing myself
ive suffered with anxiety and panic attacks and paranoia since i was 15
im now 18
ive tryed a few things but after a while they all stop working, i tryed going to see someone at my local mental health place, but i couldnt go in, im too scared of people.
yeah i sound silly now but im sure some of you guys can understand?

05-07-08, 08:36
Hi Fallinstar,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. I can really understand how you're feeling as I have social anxiety & panic - it can be so difficult to go anywhere that you have to face people. I have found that it's the fear itself beforehand that is one of the most difficult things to cope with. If you gradually go into the situations it does get easier - as you'll build confidence that you can do it.

'i tryed going to see someone at my local mental health place, but i couldnt go in, im too scared of people.'

I felt like this when I had to go to the doctors - when I went into the waiting room I kept feeling that I wanted to run out and that I wouldn't be able to speak. When I managed to get through it o.k. I kept telling myself that if I did it once I could do it again.

There is a lot of help & information here. Keep on posting - I think it helps to talk about how you're feeling.

All the best xx :bighug1:

05-07-08, 10:05
hiya and welcome to nmp you will get loads of advice and support on here hun and meet new friends too. hugs xx

05-07-08, 14:12
thank you :D

05-07-08, 14:55
Hi Nix,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


05-07-08, 16:16
:welcome: Hi, you've stumbled upon the right place!
I hope you find this site as useful and friendly as i do.
Hope to catch you in chat soon.
C xxx

05-07-08, 22:36
Hi Nix and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

milly jones
05-07-08, 22:56
hi nix

boy do i understand how scarey ppl are, lol

but nmp folk are really helpful, kind and understand anx

welcome hun

milly xxxxx

06-07-08, 11:24
Alrite Fallinstar, welcome to nmp. Like you i also suffer from social anxiety which makes everyday life so difficult. I hope u find this site helpful and hopefully u can get the help to get over ur anxiety.
Take Care, Jay

06-07-08, 16:39
Hi Nix

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

12-07-08, 17:44
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx