View Full Version : Panic or anxiety attack?

04-07-08, 23:53
(Edit) I just scrolled down to the bottom and found the forum offers a few threads on a similar topic and I think that clarified things for me... I'll leave this up just in case someome finds it useful.

I also apparently am subject to vasovagal syncope and be searching for that as well on this forum.

What would you call this?
I was with clients in a roundtable meeting, completely in control and feeling healthy. Suddenly, I felt

extreme nausea, no vomitting
fast and deep breathing (probably to help the nausea)
my heart was pounding hard and fast
profuse sweating
my face turn pale
confused.The wave lasted less than a minute but on a scale of 1-10 it was a 9/10.
Another wave hit almost 15 minutes later, a 7/10.
15 minutes later another, a 5/10.
After one hour or so, I was normal again.

Is this a panic attack or anxiety or something else

I've since started taking Effexor 75mg. The same episodes occured since but not as strong, masked by the Effexor no doubt.

Now I'm on Effexor 150 and when the episodes occur, and the symptoms are 10% of what they were.

Thoughts? Comments?

05-07-08, 16:02
Hi Stronger,

My guess would be that they were panic attacks brought on by anxiety. I am also in agreement with you that the Effexor is kicking in and helping. I do hope that with the medication you get some type of counseling be it CBT or some other type as it always helps. I wish you well and glad you have found the site.

Take care,


05-07-08, 16:10
Firstly i would say wow, well done, completely sitting through a meeting with panic attacks coming at different intervals - yes they are panic attacks! If you can continue to be as strong as that you will be better in no time, you did exactly right and didnt run away!!!! GOOK LUCK (sounds like your meds are defo starting to help too xxx)

13-07-08, 22:03
http://www.helpguide.org/mental/panic_disorder_anxiety_attack_symptom_treatment.ht m#anxiety

Anxiety vs. panic

What is the difference between anxiety and panic? Although panic attacks commonly occur in all the different types of anxiety disorders, there is a distinct difference between anxiety and panic. The difference lies in the duration and intensity of the symptoms. Panic attacks are episodes of intense fear that last only a short while. On the other hand, anxiety comes on more gradually, is less intense, and lasts longer.
Symptoms of a panic attack

What are the signs and symptoms of a panic attack? In a panic attack, symptoms develop abruptly and usually reach their peak within 10 minutes. A full-blown panic attack includes at least 4 of the following symptoms:

Shortness of breath or smothering sensation
Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
Chest pain or discomfort
Trembling or shaking
Feeling of choking
Nausea or stomach distress
Feeling unsteady, dizzy, lightheaded, or faint
Feelings of unreality or of being detached from yourself
Fear of losing control or going crazy
Fear of dying
Numbness or tingling sensations
Hot or cold flashes Most panic attacks end within 20 to 30 minutes, and they rarely last more than an hour.

13-07-08, 23:11
Yea well done for carrying on with the meeting, I could never have done that.
I think the main difference between panic and anxiety is the duration and intensity of the attack.
Panic tends to be sudden,very intense and fairly short lived whereas anxiety can be constant but with less severe symptoms.
I think what you described sound like pure adrenaline rush panic.
Hope you feel better soon.

13-07-08, 23:21
Re:vasovagal syncope
Symptoms are similar to panic -

Pale appearance to your skin
Feeling of warmth
Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)
Blurred vision
Field of vision "blacking out" or "whiting out"
Difficulty hearing or ringing in your earsExtract from - http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/vasovagal-syncope/DS00806/DSECTION=symptoms