View Full Version : feeling worse from prozac

05-07-08, 09:49
hi everyone, im new
I'm 35 and since i was little i have suffered from panic attacks and sometimes depression. I have been on prozac a couple of times in the last few years for my problems but came off them probably before i should have due to weight gain. Anyway before christmas i started getting panic attacks again, started constantly worrying and been frightened of everything but wasn't really depressed just sometimes had a bit of a low mood. I tried to cope with all this myself until a couple of weeks ago when i was constantly in panic mode, lots of strange things have been happeneing in my head and body and making me more scared. I went to see the doc and was given prozac, been on it 4days now, and am feeling really bad also so depressed, im frightened of leaving my home. I have been on prozac before but can't remember ever feeling as bad as this. Sorry for the long posting but just wanted to explain a bit about myself. Has anyone else felt like this.

05-07-08, 14:03
Hi, i'm also 35 and suffer with the same probs as you.

I'm currently on prozac for the second time, last time it helped me a great deal and I got better quite quickly, my side effects were weight loss - i can't eat when i'm on it.

I'm on day 6 now and yes, i do feel kinda worse at the moment, i've lost 8ilbs and feel pretty anx/depressed today, but yesterday I felt really great - so maybe that is a good sign.

I know that this is common and to stick with it as it takes a couple of weeks to work, I felt better within a week last time but I think this time I am more impatient about it...i want to feel better NOW!

Stick at it, rest up and let it do its job. You are welcome to PM me if you need to talk more.

Take care
Love Jo

05-07-08, 14:54
Hi ClareandJohn,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Prozac made me too jittery but I only suffer with anxiety not depression. It does take a few weeks (for me anyways) for the meds to not make me feel ill so I would give it some more time. Once I settled down, my medication made a huge difference in my life along with counseling. Good luck!

Take care,


05-07-08, 16:12
:welcome: Hi!
I hope you find this site as useful and friendly as i do.
Hope to catch you in chat soon.
C xxx

05-07-08, 17:57
Hi Clareand John

Just to say hi and to let you know you are not alone. Remember that in the beginning the tablets always make you feel worse so if they have worked for you in the past hang in there. Having said that prozac was not the right med for me as I suffer from anxiety and not depression and they did make me more anxious but everyone is different. hang in there for few more weeks and you can always change if they dont suit you

05-07-08, 19:14
hi clareandjohn97
i was on prozac quite a few years ago, but like many im not depressed i just panic about every little thing, so the prozac made me more anxious.
give it some time if you still feel the same go back and chat to your doc.
some people have to try lots of different medication to get whats right for them. its a long hard process, but if you need any advice everyone is hear to support you the people hear seem great and this is what the site is for, im sure everyone will help you muddle through, good luck chick, tafflass

milly jones
05-07-08, 22:33
hi hun

welcome to nmp

ive had little experience prozac as they didnt suit and caused alllergic reaction sorry

milly xx:hugs:

05-07-08, 22:39
Hi Clareandjohn and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-07-08, 16:40
Hi there

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

09-07-08, 12:48
hi there everyone, thank you so much for your replies its good to know that im not alone with my problems. Ive been on my tablets 8 days now and still no improvement, i know it takes time but if anything im getting worse, ive had a bad headache with areally bad tingling feeling, constantly sweating, feels like im having one big panic attack with twitching and shakiness, i also feel so weak. Im getting to the point where i think this is not normal and getting really scared.

09-07-08, 12:55

When I was prescibed prozac i was also prescribed two 5mg tabs of diazepam to take daily for the first two weeks of starting prozac to counteract any intial downturn in mood and feeling before the benefits began to work. Maybe worth discussing with your doc.
Welcome along to NMP
Pooh x

09-07-08, 12:59
Hi Clareandjohn, I feel for you terribly as I know what this is like. I had the same symptoms when I start ed Seroxat about 10 years ago. I thought I was going mental and the physical symptoms of shaking sweating etc were exactly the same as you describe. The only advice I can give you is that the more frightened you are of the symptoms the worse you feel, try if you can to just accept totally every singe horrible symptom in the knowledge and belief that the drug will kick in and the symptoms will subside. I felt better after 14 days. If after another week you are still the same then maybe you need to change the meds but really the secret if there is such a thing is not to get frightened or panicked by how you are feeling. Try and eat little and often, get rest if possible and lots of walking in fresh air. Best of luck to you and my thoughts are with you. Zeb XX

12-07-08, 17:03
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx