View Full Version : Chest pain help!

Adam Thompson
05-07-08, 12:48
ive suferred for years from ocd, depression and anxiety but for the most part ive dealt with it ok, until a year ago i had a massive attack which ambulance told me was heart related and i was rushed to hospital. all tests howevetr concluded it wasnt heart related. same thing happened a fewmonths later too. anyway since then almost everyday i have chest pains which vary in strenghth and can be left side of chest, right side, middlem, stabbing pains, tighness. ive also noticed my chest muscles seem to spasm on occasion when im looking at my chest. i also get back, shoulder pain sometimes with the chest pain and sometimes without.

anyway im spending all day everyday in fear of havingg a heart attack. im only 26 but ive got a heart murmor, and altho doc said the murmor isnt serious enogh to monitor he says it could be an underlying cause of anxiety about the heart.

my bro has heart valve problems my grandad died at 55 from heart atack and my dad has bad anxiety problems.

im just hoping someone has had similar symptoms?
and its just anxiety

05-07-08, 16:30
Hi Adam,

No I have not had similar problems but I thought I would post anyway, hope you don't mind.

You have a lot of stress going on. Your Grandad died of heart problems, your brother has them and you have yourself thinking you have them due to anxiety which was probably passed on to you from your Dad. Have you ever had any counseling? If I were you, for this big an issue and as you are in pain every day, I would go and see your GP right away. There must be some kind of med they can give you to help your anxiety issues. I would then suggest CBT counseling. You just can't go through life like this thinking you are going to die every day and even if you aren't doing it consciously you are sub-consciously. Heart problems have been ruled out! Your heart murmor cannot be causing this problem, it is anxiety, your doctor even said so.

Please make these appointments and stay here on this site for support. We can help. In four days you will have access to the chatroom and it is a fantastic place for talking things out. I do wish you success in getting this monkey (anxiety) off your back so that you can live your life every day without pain and in peace.

Many hugs,


05-07-08, 17:07
Problems with your digestive system can cause chest pain as well. And digestive problems are commonly caused by anxiety and stress.

I get that too, mine is mainly in the left side, but it sometimes moves to the middle or the right. I get a tight feeling, stabbing pains, back pain.....my GP says its all because of my anxiety and stress, and put me on Cipralex tablets.

Adam Thompson
05-07-08, 17:11
hi, thanks for your reply. i have a couseling session booked for two weeks time. (not been before). i shall also see about cbt. as for meds i was on prozac but this didnt seem to help. last time i went to docs he prescribed beta blockers but i never took them (too scared).

it seems i go through a phase of a few hours each day being positive, and then negative. the negative thought usually wins out tho...

its strange because im not scared of death its just im petrified of having a heart attack.
