View Full Version : Bad Day please advise

05-07-08, 12:58
what do i do got up and in one hot flushes funny feelings in tummmy shaky and generally scared have not had one for a long time and not heard a response from the help clinic i went to why now after a while then out of the blue full on full blown attack dont know what to do please help

05-07-08, 16:06
Hi Tracy,

We all have what I call blips from time to time and I honestly do not know why. All we can do is deal with them. You did the right thing by calling for help and it is a shame they have not returned your call. I hope by now they did call you and you are feeling better. On the left side of the forum are How To Cope strategies that might help. We do know how you feel here on this forum. Take care and let us know how you are doing.

Laura xxx

05-07-08, 18:34
still in it been there all day the doctor did not call back and neither did the clinic but i am coping with them well sort of drainedd and feel really low no self drive in me and just want to sit in kitchen on my own i have had a couple of bad days in the last 6 months but nothing this strong seems every time they are getting stronger didnt think they could get stronger but keepingmy chin up and trying to fight them but tired thank you for your support from tracy:mad: :weep:

06-07-08, 03:48
Hi Tracy1972
So sorry to hear you are not feeling well,it's not nice is it when you ask for help and there is none forthcoming.The gp should have rang and so should the clinic,you need to let them know! Don't worry as I suffer panic attacks and panicky thoughts and can go days without them and then suddenly one will hit with no warning at all and be pretty severe sometimes. An example,I was just walking into the bank with mum last week and wham one hit me,I was breathless,my chest was tight,I was slightly dizzy and felt sick. I thought my time had come but it passed and I carried on with my day. We are all here for you on NP,it's a great site and has helped me so much.
Good luck pet
Mothermac xx