View Full Version : hi im new hear

05-07-08, 19:00
hi my name is tafflass
im new to the sight so bear with me im not that good with computers,
ive suffered panic attacks, agoraphobia and a fear of people for about 16 years. just want to see if anyone eles can give me some advice realy. i feel i am taking a turning point in my illness at the moment as i am going out a bit more, ive also gone from 100mls of sertraline down to 25mls a day, i still have to take atleast 10mls of diazipam to go out, but hope to drop down from that in the future, as everyone who suffers and has to take meds knows this can be a long processs, as i have been on medication since i was 18. i am now 33 and if their are any recovering people with this dreadful nightmare of panic, fear and anxiety who can give me any advice all will be recieved with great gratitude, also if i can help anyone from my experiances,s i will do.
i dont want to run away from this no more, im standing my ground. this is my life and i want to enjoy it to the max.
i want to beat this but i know i cant do it alone.
thank you for reading this tafflass:yesyes:

05-07-08, 21:19
Hiya Tafflass :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here:yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. congrates on the progress you have made so far hun and i hope being here will help you with much more of it.
you will find lots of other members who suffer the same as you and will be more than willing to help you all they can. Keep up the postive work you are doing to help your recovery and stay in a positive frame of mind.
Hope to talk to you soon

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


05-07-08, 22:38
Hi Tafflass and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

milly jones
05-07-08, 22:53
hi tafflass

welcome to nmp

there are plenty of folks here that undersatnd perfectly well what ur going thru

love milly xxx :hugs:

06-07-08, 13:00
hi everyone
thank you for taking the time to read my post.
ive had a fairly up and down week this week as it has now been 7 days since ive dropped down to 25mls on my medication.
yesterday was such a good day, now today im feeling a little shakey and nervous, it did,nt help that the kids are on a mad one today, being grumpy and wining, i have 4 kids, and some days are so difficult to deal with as my youngest 2 are 2 years and 4 years, so i have to make myself go out to bring my son to school every day, im hopeing tomorrow will be a better day. fingers crossed:whistles:

i have 2 older sons one is 15 years and the other is 12 years old, they are fantastic. they help me so much with my ways lol. they are good boys:noangel: .
im having problems with my sight and have been for about 2 weeks now, then im left with a pain across the front of my head and my eyes hurt,:wacko: this condition is so frustraiting for me as i cant drive when im like this, i get so mad with myself somtimes, i know i should,nt but i do.

does anyone eles get severe neck pain and shoulder pain?
i get loads of symptoms but at different times, the head twitching is the worst, when i am realy nervous my head feels like its twitching from side to side, like its hitting a nerve or something:blush: weird, and scary.
well i hope you are all doing ok :yesyes: .

remember lickle steps can get you further than no steps.:)

06-07-08, 15:38
Hi Tafflass,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. I get migraines and sometimes see something that looks like camera flashes and then my head hurts on half of my head that can last for days. If this is how your head is hurting you can go see your doctor and they can give you meds to prevent the headaches. Your neck and shoulders could be hurting from tension or sleeping in the wrong position and/or anxiety.

Take care,


06-07-08, 16:38
Hi Tafflass

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice here.

12-07-08, 17:45
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx