View Full Version : Heart flutterings again :(

05-07-08, 21:54
I suffer from anxiety (although I'm fine at the moment) and have had problems with palps and things in the past. I've not had anything for a long while but tonight I've had that familiar fluttering feeling in my throat/top of my chest which makes me want to cough to get rid of it.

I have had a couple of emotional weeks (marital related) but I'm ok and have calmed down in the last few days. I've also eaten a lot of takeaway food today and a big chinese meal this evening. Could it be a delayed reaction to the stress of the last couple of weeks or a reaction to the food?

I'm a bit scared because I'm on my own in the house at the moment and I've had flutterings all evening, when usually I only get one or two.

05-07-08, 22:20
I am suffering the same at the moment, my GP said its all stress related and they usually occur when you are most relaxed.

Rachey poos
06-07-08, 10:50
im gettin then constant on and off, when i get them i get them every other beat xxx im still here....had them 10 yrs ago and they went now they back!!!! yippie!!!! (that was sarcasm) :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Cathy V
06-07-08, 11:20
Hi Bel, it sounds like it could be a combination of the stress (coz you prob already know you react in this way from time to time) and the chinese food! There has been alot of bad press about chinese food having Monosodium Glutomate in it, its used as a coulouring, flavouring or thickening agent or some such thing, and it can make some people react with palpitations after eatiing it, either a fast beating heart or ectopics or flutters, so it could have been this also perhaps. In the past my favourite takeaway was sweet and sour chicken and i always had palpitations after eating it and this was before all the bad press about it.

Hope you're feeling beter today anyway
Take care
Cathy xxx :)