View Full Version : A bit of a positive story!

06-07-08, 11:32
I just wanted to say that after 9 months of this horrid HA I honestly think i am starting to conquer it a bit. I honestly couldnt have managed without the wonderful support of ppl on these boards through my worst days(and hey there were many!!).
This week I bought 2 tickets to go and see Elton John in my home town last night.
I went----and hey it was fantastic. I honestly didnt give my HA a second thought and i danced and sang the night away.
There was a crowd of 20 thousand there-----usually i would have been panicking but i thought to myself just think positive and enjoy the show!! and i did!!
I have said(yet again to myself) that if i was ill with the things i have been worrying about that i wouldnt have been able to go there last night and jump/dance around!!
So i hope this gives someone else encouragement---you can get better but it does take time!!! and i am by no means better but feeling a bit more positive xx

06-07-08, 14:15
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
Made up for you Jelly well done bet you are on cloud nine today! I have read a few of your posts over the last few months and I know things have not been easy for you hun I am just over the moon for you hope your positive vibes reach me soon.

Lots of love and keep dancing!


06-07-08, 14:42
Hiya Jellybean
A massive hug for you and an even bigger well done, it really does sound as if youve turned the corner with your health anx, i to am feeling more positive with myself, not sure why lol, but the last few weeks have been the best for me for over 8 months, again a lot to do with our dear friends on this site.
Keep up the good work jelly, i wll try to as well

06-07-08, 16:22
Well done to you:-) I am really happy for you.

Tell me your secret;-)

06-07-08, 21:25
That is amazing - well done and whats your secret xx

06-07-08, 21:33
wot great news jellybean, welldone you, its shows your strength to fight and u r getting there. stay strong. hugs xxxx

07-07-08, 11:09
Hi again everyone!
Thanks for the lovely replies.
Hey i am by no means ok but you know what did it for me. The other week I changed tablets to those propranalol---as most of you on here know i was totally freaking about taking them.
After taking them for about 5 days i started to really really itch.The alarm bells were then ringing and i thought "O GOD I DO DEFINATELY HAVE LYMPHOMA" as one of the signs is itching. After going back to the docs he assured me it was EITHER a side effect of the tablets or anxiety. I then came home and MADE myself believe him. I kept thinking how long am i going to "fight" with the drs and not believe anything they tell me.
Soooo I stopped taking the tablets(and went back on the old tablets for migraines---pizotifen) and after about another 5 days the itching stopped!!!!!!
I have had to make myself think that the dr is right and how much longer am i going to waste "thinking" i am ill.
I definately dont feel anywhere near 100% but i have forced myself to go out walking most days, join Slimming world and generally make myself think positive stuff.
I am going to be having CBT very soon so i am hoping that will really make me feel somewhere near 100% better.
Hey, if i can do it so can you all. It is hard but i am forcing myself to feel positive.
Also, I was feeling sluggish most mornings. When i stopped the pizotifen that disappeared. I now realise(as the pharmacist has told me) that that is a side effect of those tablets. Feeling like you are hungover in the morning. I am now just accepting that(rather than think it is linked with lymphoma) and thinking that it is better than having migraines. So each morning i just "work" through those feelings and after about 1.5 hours i am fine!!!
Anyhow, hope this has helped somebody.