View Full Version : Hi Again Everyone

06-07-08, 17:43
I used to post here a while ago but have had computer troubles and haven't been able to get online. I suffered terrible anxiety during February to March and this left me unable to go out the front door. Since then I have come a long way and am now able to go to town providing I have someone with me. Though I have been a couple of times on my own! I am improving but have had a setback recently where my panic has returned. As I was unable to get online and come to this forum I've had to cope on my own. So .... you can imagine how marvellous it is to be able to talk to you all again.

My daughter has gone to Greece for two weeks with her grandparents and left today. I cried and got panicky again after she'd gone but at least I know I can post here and will get help from all you lovely people if I need it.

Just wanted to say .... thanks for being there.

lots of love

06-07-08, 20:08
hi sue and we all have setbacks and yours probably has been triggered by your daughter going away mayb and the thought of her going etc. i am sure once she gets back you will begin to feel better. until then keep posting and we will all do out best to support you and keep u positive. hugs xxx

06-07-08, 20:12
Hi Donna, thank you so much for your reply. I have just been listening to my relaxation tape and feel a bit better now. Yes, I'm sure the thought of my daughter going away had something to do with how I have been feeling. I've come so far and the thought of slipping back again to how I was made me panic even more.

I'll get over it though, with help from all of you on here. It's lovely to be able to come and chat with people who really understand, isn't it?

thanks again, Donna.


06-07-08, 20:32
aww glad u r abit more relaxed now sue, and u r right u have come along way and once yr daughter is back i bet you will be just fine, its just a blip. stay positive and keep busy so u dont think too much. hugs xx

Cathy V
06-07-08, 21:36
Hi sue, welcome back, and sorry you're feeling a bit ropey at the mo, and donna is right about you missing your daughter. My daughter emma has just gone back to uk after a 2 month visit and she has kept me so positive when she was over here. I went out and about much more with her and we had a great laugh.

I do live with someone and he's lovely but he doesnt fully understand how it feels to have this anx and panic, tho he does try to. I dont really speak german so he speaks to me in english but its a bit lonely outside the apartment, so having emma here really boosted my confidence as we're great mates anyway. She has her own life in uk and had to go back to it but i miss her very much. I'll see her again end of july as im flying back...Gulp!... to see my other children, grandchildren and my mum. Looking forward to that keeps me going.

I hope you're feeling a bit better this evening and as do9nna said, we're all here if you need us...you're not alone ok?

Cathy xxx :)

07-07-08, 16:51
Awww, Cathy, what a lovely post. It's so good to know that you're all here for me if I need help. That's what I missed when my computer was out of action, talking on the forum. I felt so alone.

I've been out today with my mum and made it to town. I felt really panicky on the way to the bus stop (the same route as where I had my first panic attack) but fortunately there are a couple of benches so I was able to sit down and get myself together. One bench is right outside the doctor's surgery and I was so tempted to go in and tell them I was about to collapse. Fortunately I didn't! It's not my doctor's surgery anyway, mine is miles away, so I managed to restrain myself!

I felt panicky in town and short of breath but coped okay. Had I gone back home as I felt like doing then I would have been right back where I started and would not have gone out again, so I'm glad I did it despite the awful panicky feelings.

Thank you again. It's good to have someone who knows what it feels like to be this way.


07-07-08, 19:12
Hi Sue

I am really pleased to see you back on line again and have missed our little chats welcome back.

Sorry to hear you felt panicky in town today but you kept going so that is a big achievement. Well done Sue.
