View Full Version : Introducing Myself-panic attacks and anxiety

Veronica H
06-07-08, 21:00
Hi Everyone,
:) what a brilliant site. I found the site in floods of tears, just over 3 weeks ago having had a major panic attack in the hairdressers, complete with burning chest , arms and neck and unable to get my breath. I was convinced I needed to go to A&E as my heart was racing. My husband was due to graduate from University that day hence the visit to the hairdressers.He cancelled his day. I felt dreadful about this, especially since by mid afternoon I had calmed down. I did not go to A&E. You see I had been in A&E almost a year to the day previously, whilst on holiday in the Lake District. Then I had the racing heart but not the horrible burning feelings. I was wired up to an ECG and my heart rate was 120. They sent me back to our holiday apartment several hours later, staff having found nothing significant. The speculation was that it was probably a combination of raised blood sugar and hormone changes - I am 49. When I returned home I visited my GP had some more blood tests - nothing showed up. He discussed depression with me. I had a bout of depression after my mothers death many years before. I realised that had been feeling down as there were many changes happening in my life. My husband had just recovered from a kidney stone operation, it was traumatic to see him in so much pain . My son was doing his GCSE's (or rather finding any excuse not to do them) I had just completed a BSc with the Open University, which had taken 6 years and which had become a way of life really. The Dr gave me a course of Citalopram 10mg. A wonderful thing happened. I noticed that my mind was not dwelling on negative outcomes and worries for the first time! in addition I didnot have a repeat of the racing heart beat. I thought I was cured! So it was depression. I came off the Citalopram at christmas.
Since then I have gradually come to realise that I am not depressed but that I can not remember a day whan I have not been anxious or worried since I was a child. This anxiety came flooding back to me and I didn't know what to do with it. This culminated in the panic attack in the hairdressers. My GP has put me back on Citalopram 10mg this has done nothing. He gave me Diazipam 2mg to take if needed and things got really bad. I thought about cancelling our holiday in Cornwall, the GP advised me against this. He also put me on a waiting list to see a Cognative Behavioural Therapist. This could be in the next ten weeks.
I have just returned from Cornwall where I had several terrifying attacks. I did find that long walks by the sea brought relief, but having tried several attempts to ride the attacks out by visualising the panic getting smaller and breathing with the 4 in 6 out method I became exhausted as I could stop the attack but it would return very quickly. I have found that the best method is to breath 4in 6out twice then visualise the panic shrinking and immediately distract myself with a task, book radio, tv etc. and to move on. I also realised that anxiety and panic are constantly trying to pin themselves to a phobia. I found it difficult to eat at one point because I became convinced this was sending my heart rate up. After 2 days I forced myself and have now shaken this off.
I know I am feeding this panic with my anxious thoughts but stopping this is not easy. I am returning to the GP tomorrow in the hope that he can help me with a drug that will target the anxiety and panic. I took one tablet of the Diazipam as I was desperate with the burning sensations etc. It relaxed me and knocked me out for several hours. I realise this drug is addictive though, and am reluctant to carry on with it. I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas about drugs which have worked for them in targeting anxiety.
I wish you all well in your recovery......Veronica.

06-07-08, 21:04
hiya veronica and welcome to nmp, im glad you found us and we will give u lots of grear advice and support here hun, you will also make new friends too. hugs xx

06-07-08, 22:24
Hi Veronica and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

07-07-08, 08:54
hi veronica
so sorry to hear of your horrific experiance, alot of people hear have these everyday as do i.
i also take diazipam 5mls 3 times a day and sertraline of which i am trying to come off slowly and finding it very hard, please if you can avoid meds do so. 7 years of diazipam. im not looking forward to coming off them the sert is bad enough.
therapy may help, i have therapy once a week, find it does help alot.
medication vearys from person to person.
i wish you all the best, and hope you feel better soon, and im sure you will:yesyes: xtafflassx

milly jones
07-07-08, 10:16
hi veronica

im on citalopram 30mg and prob just about to increase soon. u can go to 60mg i believe.

cbt helps and i also think therapy with meds can work.

anx is a debilitating condition which appears only to be understood by sufferers truely, although we all vary from person to person too.

everyone at nmp will welcome u warmly thou

milly xxx

07-07-08, 14:12
Hi Veronica,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Many meds work differently on others. For myself, it took awhile before I found just the right one for me, and I hope it doesn't take long for you. I suggest you discuss what will work best for you with your doctor. Good luck and again welcome.

Take care,

Laura xxx

07-07-08, 18:42
Hi Veronica,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

07-07-08, 20:17
hi there and lots of love x

07-07-08, 20:29

jenny xxxx


07-07-08, 21:30
Hi all, I'm Kelly, and I'm 22, from Essex, great website to find, hope to get to know you all

07-07-08, 21:32

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and sorry to hear you have been through so much.

You will get loads of support and advice on here.

Cathy V
07-07-08, 21:44
Hi Veronica and welcome to nmp. There are people of all ages and backgrounds here and you'll get plenty of help and advise. Also you're in good company with the oldies..im 54 and have suffered, like you, from anx since a child, and off and on in the years since.

I now accept that its part of who i am, and sometimes it leaves me alone and sometimes it returns, but what matters most to me is not wasting time and energy trying to fight it, but learning how to accept it as part of my life in all its guises....and learning to cope with it, and we all have our own ways to do this as you'll discover. You'll get loads of tips and info on so many different sides of anxiety and depression etc. and of course ways to cope.

You're not alone...small steps.
Cathy xxxx :welcome:

Veronica H
08-07-08, 17:52
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and advice. I realise that many of you are further down the road than me on this and I value your input. I look forward to chatting to you all in the chat room.


08-07-08, 21:17
Hello Veronica And Welcome...wish Ya Well.........linda

08-07-08, 21:22
:welcome:Hi, welcome to NMP xxx

12-07-08, 17:18
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx