View Full Version : sudden head pressure

06-07-08, 21:22
At work wednesday night I got a sudden huge pressure feeling in my head, accompanied by weird hearing/sudden feeling like i wasnt there, made me panic so bad i just wanted to get up and run out, i even considered telling my collegues to call an ambulance (i know im so dramatic but i cant help it!)

Does anyone else get this sudden head pressure/weird hearing?

Im worrying,should i see the GP? I always get the feeling they think im stupid and just don't get what im trying to say!?

Cassi xxx

06-07-08, 21:28
hi cassie it may be just be down to your anxietys but if in doubt go to docs and ask what they think, just to put your mind at rest. r u on any meds? cos side effects from them can make u feel really dodgy at times hugs xx

07-07-08, 01:21
I've had sudden head pressure lots of times. Very scary, I know. Sometimes it has diminished my hearing for a few seconds, other times I hear my pulse. I think anxiety has a lot to do with it and with me I think my neck problems may be the cause. I am going to a new chiropractor who is going to try to put the cervical curve back in my neck as I have a severly reversed curve. There have been times like at drive-thru fast food where I turn my head to the side to place my order and if I hold my head turned for very long I have felt the pressure. That's why I think mine is a mechanical type problem due to the structure of my neck. I think the more anxiety and stress I have in my neck and shoulders plus the neck problem is the cause of mine. Although I have also felt it without turning my head. Blood pressure changes, I believe can also cause this full feeling in the head. I get pvc's a lot and I have also felt the pressure with the extra force from the extra heartbeat. I guess there can be many causes. I've had them for so many years now, I should be used to them. Believe me, I know how they can make you panic.

Best wishes,


07-07-08, 07:52
Hi Cassi

It could just be anxiety. If you've felt a funny sensation in your head, which lots of us get for all sorts of reasons, maybe you've got a cold coming on, atmospheric pressure changes ie thunder storms can cause head pressures, may be because your head muscles are tense from anxiety etc, maybe from being on pc too long, or concentrating on work and so on. Then almost immediately after feeling a sensation in your head panic may have kicked in which would explain the hearing probs and the unreality feeling. I get this alot when panic or even just tension starts. It because you are focusing on every sensation......you are on red alert.

If you are worried though I would go to see your doctor and get your mind put at rest. Try not to focus on bodily symptoms too much, easier said than done, I know.

26-09-08, 22:27
Thanks guys, i know its been a while since this post and thankfully it hasnt happened since, but those things you have all described, im sorry but it wasnt like that, i often get headaches with atmospheric changes and a different sort of pressure, but this was a feeling like my concious brain was about to leave my body...does that make sense?

It sent my hearing funny like everything around me just disappeared when this happened, it made me jolt in my seat,probably with the terror of it...of course it was followed by almighty anxiety.

Just scary how this happens to me like once every 6 months, i get the normal anxiety head pressure but this was different, and so blinking hard to describe, sorry, haha, but thanks again for your replies,

cassi xxxxxxxxxxx

27-09-08, 12:14
Hiiya Cassi
I get this. Is it like a sudden feeling of panic, but in your head? I get this before I have a panic attack..very scray feeling. It's like you lose control of your head.
Is this what you have?
Take care Amy

27-09-08, 14:00
Hi Cassi - i get something similar to that to it feels almost like your head is going to explode not literally of course so dont worry lol - i also get where i feel like my neck is going to give way at one side a lot too think that could be tension though.

My doc has said it is vertigo that could be what yours is.As you get a fullness feeling in your head with that.

Hope this Helps a little bit!!!!.

14-04-14, 17:39
Hi I've been getting these sudden pressures in my head like a sudden pain /pressure makes me panic .

15-04-14, 08:55
I I get this head pressure and it make bk my eyes feel weird to I duno like I guna loose my eye sight I sy this cus I have panicked or been so anxious I have lost my eye sight it one eye to the ora like things you get wen you are a migrain suffer only wen u get it through anxiety you don't get the headahce you have just the vision thing and it only happens wen I get the head pressure feeling wen I no I am over anxiouse about something take care

29-04-14, 02:57
I have experienced both these symptoms. The first one (head pressure) is really really uncomfortable and it can also feel like my head is really heavy. I find lying down helps ease it off. I have also experienced the feeling of not feeling like I'm actually here, it's called depersonalisation. Both these symptoms are anxiety related and I think you probably also had a panic attack (I have also had panic attacks displaying these symptoms) but not all the time. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

11-05-14, 02:49
I get the exact same thing, like this random pressure in my head out of nowhere. And sometimes my hearing will go funny.

It may have to do with the air pressure or change of weather. Wouldn't worry about it too much :)
Take care x

27-05-15, 11:27
Hello. I understand what you are feeling. My background: 31 year old male was in decent shape when problems started. A little over a year ago I began being severely short of breath only while lying down at night or resting. This progresses into my heart skipping beats at same times. I was initially fine while doing strenuous work/exercise. When I would have these episodes I would hyperventillate causing faintness etc. After visiting the doctor I learned how to control my breathing which helped with the extra symptoms. Gradually over time the urges to gasp deeply eased up but I rapidly gained 15 pounds in a week 2 seperate times came out of nowhere. Now I am short of breath at various times during activity as well as resting. I have been to the doctor for these problems several times and they have run a small number of tests and tell me they cantnfind anything wrong. I went to see a cardiologist and I wore a holster monitor for 3 days. During this time I had minor to moderate shortness of breath only with no skipped beat feelings On the 4th day I took the monitor off and while driving back to clinic to turn in the holster it happened...Being moderately short of breath as usual and controlling my breathing consciously as I must due to avoid chest pains & light headedness, I all of a sudden felt a thud in my chest and my heart seemed to stop beating and then an intense pressure in my chest followed rapidly by an intense pressure in head and the world started to go dim. Time seemed to stop and all I was aware of was this intense pressure. I felt shell shocked as if a bomb went off beside me. I never fully passed out but I was as close as I could be without actually doing it( couldn't hardly see and felt like I was hearing underwater) and then my heart started beating again(this is how it felt anyways.) This whole episode lasted maybe 6 seconds or so but it felt like an eternity. Immediately after this lights came back on as quick as they almost went out and I felt sick to my stomach for 2 or 3 mins. Then I noticed that I could breathe fine without any resistance whatsoever. I actually felt better than I have in a long time but it only lasted 15 mins or so then the shortness of breath and chest tightness came back. I am on a 3 month wait to are the specialist again. If anyone can help email me at l]. You are not alone. Thanks. Justin

15-02-16, 16:38
Justin that sounds awful, what did the results show? I know it's been ages since you wrote this but thought I'd ask as private message prompted me back on here. Xx