View Full Version : teenage son

06-07-08, 21:27
Hi all

I have a teenage son who is suffering badly from panic attacks. He has ashtma and is convinced it is his ashtma that is bad. He is not going to school and gets panicky every morning to the point that he either believes he is having an ashtma attack or actually does have one. He cant breath and just cries. Has anyone else experienced this at such a young age? its so hard to watch my son suffer. I would welcome any advice

06-07-08, 21:31
hiya hun, poor u and your poor son its horrid when they get anxiety so young. well does the panic just stem from his asthma? or does something else trigger it? just wondering have u checked with school for bullying etc? i think if u are really worried i would ask the doctor to check him over just to put your mind at rest and he/she may be able to help with this. hugs xx

06-07-08, 22:26
Hi JAQ and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

I had to take some time off high school for stress related reasons but it wasn't until I was at uni that my panic attacks started. I don't know if the two are related but anxiety and panic attacks can and do affect people of all ages.

Take care,

Mike :)

06-07-08, 23:24

:welcome: to the site.

Panic and anxiety does not give a hoot about age, it makes me very sad to hear anyone suffering, my heart goes out to you and your son.

There can be many, many reasons for your son suffering this hun, is your sons attacks based around school? or is it anytime, even when he has no school?.

I know its dame hard for you right now, but you have to try and pick away at whats going on, see if the panic is linking into anything at all, eg, school, fear of his illness ( ashtma ) he maynot understand his ashtma and fearing it, bringing on panic.

Hun, take him along to your gp and talk about this, let the gp check him over and tell him?her whats been going on.

This site is a great place to be, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you :hugs:

I do know what your going through hun, my daughter suffered pa's, she is doing well now, your son CAN get over this hun, with alot of hard work, time and support.

Not only does your son need support right now, which he is getting, FROM YOU, but you need it too hun, keep posting, we are all here to support you hun.


Big HUGS to you and your son


07-07-08, 04:46
My teenage son had such episodes in high school (teenage years). He would draw complete blanks during tests and could only write his name.

The school referred him to a psychologist. The few visits paid off and we got over that hump. Today is self-confidence is stronger and he is able to study and get results at business school (university).

milly jones
07-07-08, 13:32
welcome hun

its so difficult to see ur child suffer isnt it.

i have pas and can only liken them to an asthma attack, which my hb gets. it must be awful to not be able to distinguish the difference for a child.

the only solution is to chat to ur gp to see if theres any way ur son could learn that anx causes similar feelings, and that it can be controlled

hope u find help in nmp

love milly xx

07-07-08, 14:50
Hi Jaq,

Welcome to the site. My son who is now 16 had awful asthma until 2 yrs ago. Allergy shots for 5 years helped him. I recall when he was a toddler the doctors wanted me to put him in his room when he had temper tantrums for punishment when he misbehaved with his nebulizer so he could breathe because his asthma was so bad! Of course I didn't do it. I tell you this because I know what it is like for your child to have asthma and get so upset. It is horrible. The terrible twos and threes with asthma was not fun! He never had anxiety though, thank goodness.

I myself have a touch of asthma but have tons of anxiety. I must say the asthma meds make my anxiety much worse. The same thing could be happening to your son. I suggest counseling for him even at such a young age. Why, because I have had anxiety since childhood and I wish I had gotten help so that perhaps I would not still be dealing with it as an adult. Good luck and I hope we can help. We also support caregivers here too.

Laura xxx

07-07-08, 21:36
Hi Jaq

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

07-07-08, 21:45
Hi and welcome

My 12 yr old daughter is suffering from anxiety at the moment so I know how difficult it can be to watch it happen to your child. Just keep reassuring him that he is ok and that the panic will pass. My daughter throws up every morning before school but I know that by her staying off it wont help her in the long run. Do try to send him in, believe me I know how difficult this can be but once my daughter gets to school things calm down for her.


08-07-08, 21:20
Hello Jaq And Welcome I Suffer With Asthma And When I Have Anxiety I Tend To Have A Hard Time Breathing Maybe Ya Son Thinks Its Gonna Keep Happening Which Is Causin Him Anxiety Im Not A Doc But It Can Be Scary...i Wish You Both Well.......linda

08-07-08, 21:26
:welcome: to NMP xxx

12-07-08, 17:17
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

13-07-08, 18:43
Thank you all for you kind words and advice. It is really reassuring to know that other people are going through the same experiences are my son and I am.
We had another stressful week, last week, but I am at last getting abit of support from his school. The GP has seen him too and is trying to explain that anxiety is bringing on his ashtma. He is also trying hypnotherapy which I'm hoping will help.


13-07-08, 22:42
Hi JAQ :):hugs:

I am sorry to hear you and your son had a stressfull week hun :hugs:we are always hear if you need to vent hun :hugs:

It is good to hear that you and your son are getting support from the school and your son is having hypnotherapy.

Remember hun, there may be times when things get a little tough, it takes time for things to get sorted, BUT, he WILL get better hun.

Please let us know how things go,

You take care :bighug1:

Wishing your son well


14-07-08, 00:05
Hi i havent had such problems with my kids, both are asthmatic, my son spent 10days in hospital on oxygen etc not too long ago, but luckily none of the problems your son has, Im sorry to hear things are hard, will he be any better now holidays are approaching?
Take care.And keep posting it does help.xxx

14-07-08, 00:37
i know somebody who does not have asthma but gets asthma like symptoms while having an anxiety attack... His situation is more difficult, it is intermingled with asthma... He needs to acknowledge the issue and seek help. Be very positive in attitude as you are talking about the subject. He needs encouragement so do you. Hope you guys feel better as mother and son soon.

14-07-08, 10:56
Hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Im sorry your son and you are going through a rough time at the moment. keep posting as its good to talk about things and i realy hope we can be of some help to you. We also have a great chat room where you can talk to ppl about things or just have a giggle,so i hope to talk to you soon.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


14-07-08, 17:55
Hi Jaq,

Another member on here pointed me towards your post as she thought I may be of some help to you with my own experiences.

My daughter was diagnosed with OCD when she was 11/12 although we had seen signs of her problems much earlier on.

She missed a lot of time from school from years 7-10. She would wake up feeling sick or dizzy and work herself into an awful state so couldn't possibly be sent to school.

We informed the school as soon as she was diagnosed but they weren't particularly helpful at all. If she did manage to get into school she really needed to have some support person to turn to but this was never arranged despite numerous visits with her head of house.

She had to have her makeup perfect for school and she wore much to much of it but it was the only way her OCD would let it be. She got in trouble a lot through it but she only let me tell the school about it in yr10 and they still weren't sympathetic even though I was very forcefull with putting across my views.

She is now under the child mental health unit at the local hospital and seeing a counsellor. No progress yet but it is early days.

She has just taken her GCSES and has now left school though she hopes to return to 6th form in September.

I really hope that things improve for him very soon. Never be fobbed off by the school, always make sure your son is provided with all the support he needs.

Hope some of this has been of a little help to you.


16-07-08, 12:35
thankyou Kate

That has been helpful. Like your daughter my son is thinking he can control this on his own. The school want to get the welfare officer involved and he not having any of this, saying he can do it on his own. He is suffering everyday and it is having such an effect of the rest of the family. My older son cant understand and thinks he is just "faking it". He wont even talk to him now. My partner is finding it difficult seeing me in a state. I have just taken some time off work to chill out, but finding it difficult to relax. Sometimes its hard to see the wood from the trees. I have had pa's in the past and feel so helpless because i cant make him better. I wish I could take this away from him as he is a lovely caring boy and he just wants to be well again!