View Full Version : Any comments?

07-07-08, 03:03
Hi all, Just a quick one - for the last few weeks maybe on and off for months I get weird feelings in mainly my right eye, its more noticable when i first wake up and seems to hang around most of the day... it feels like my eye is swollen but I cant see anything odd. It feels almost like ive been rubbing it... slightly irrated but does not look any different to my left eye. That eye is my weak eye too compared with my left.

I've had the eye ppl do a standard full eye check and said all was ok - its just hard to explain when they ask what it feels like.

Also my throat is being a pain in the bottom recently, for the last month or maybe more the lump thing is there again... sometimes worse than others but always seems to be around, coupled with the memory, spaced out thing and also muscle aches like my fingers/elbows/legs seem to ache for no reason its very hard to try and keep the 'its nothing to be concerned about' line going..


07-07-08, 05:06
Well the best thing is you have been checked and they didnt find anything wrong. The crappy part is that you still have the feeling and its hard to believe there is nothing wrong. I can totally relate to that. I get a pain on my right side below my ribs and after having bloodwork and CAT scans and ultrasounds and they found nothing at all, the pain is still there. So although they tell me nothing is wrong, I still feel it.
The question is can anxiety cause these feelings and pains? And apparently they can. Once you feel something we tend to focus on it and it can just continue and get worse or stay the same despite nothing being wrong.
I have the memory thing and the muscles as well and it is tough. I can totally relate to what you are going through. But each day that we get through is one step against the anxiety and feeling better.
I hope it all gets better soon!

08-07-08, 02:24

used to get that in both eyes every morning and it used to linger. i just put it down to tension and tiredness in the end. what i used to do to help it was put cold compresses on my eyes which helped me. worth a try?!

julie :)