View Full Version : Back from hols.....a challenge!!

07-07-08, 07:26
Hi everyone

I've just got back from holidays in Lake District. I went away in the caravan for a week for my birthday as I prefer to be away, certainly from work anyway.

It went well. I was really nervous as it's only the third time we've towed the caravan and this was the furthest we'd taken it so far. I coped really well, had no major panic attacks just felt a bit tense, so I'm pleased with myself.

It was a major challenge to be in the caravan for a week as I find the compactness of it all quite difficult if I am anxious. There's no where to go in a two birth tourer. My hubby is brilliant when I panic and VERY patient but being away from home surroundings is hard for me. I just kept telling myself that it wasn't the location that was making me anxious it was my thoughts and that I would feel just as anxious at home.

I even managed to go for two meals out at the pub on the caravan park, major major achievement for me. I did worry a little bit afterwards about whether it had been cooked properly etc as I'm emmetaphobic but somehow I didn't pay much attention to those negative thoughts and managed to shrug them off pretty quickly.

I was very upset when we first arrived as a woman oopposite us kicked off because our elderly Labrador walked over to her, he should have been tied up, she reminded me. I hate confrontations and she wasn't very nice about it even though the dog did absolutely nothing but wander over. I wnet in the caravan cried my eyes out and begged to go home. My husband agreed to take me home but once he said I could go, I calmed down and said I wasn't going to let some stranger spoil things. It's as if the feeling of powerlessness and being trapped was taken away because I knew I could leave if I really wanted to.

It was hard to block this person out as they were directly opposite us and I could'nt look out of the window for a few hours afterwards, sounds stupid I know, but I soon got over it.

So to everyone who is concerned about their hols, stick at it and it's rarely as bad as you think it'll be, you may even enjoy it. I came straight back and started planning the next one, so it can't have been that bad lol.

07-07-08, 09:33
You did so well Andrea. Was the weather kind to you?
Gives me encouragement to go for a Short break some where in England.

I have germs issues and Anxiety but I'm determined to book into one hotel, even if its in my City.

07-07-08, 12:59
Hiya Andie
Im really glad you enjoyed your hols, good on you for sticking with it, i get a similar thing myself, dont like to go to far from home we have a caravan 95 miles away from our home and its wonderful, but im having trouble staying away for more than 2 nights at the moment, in 2 weeks time we are going for a whole week, so im going to take your advice and i hope it works for me as well
Take Care POLLY

milly jones
07-07-08, 17:23
hi andrea

i can totally empathise with the dog thing. ppl can be so insensitive. i know some dogs are a nuisance but it riuns my hols if someone is critical about how we cope with them. theyre really good in the van, but like urs not used to being shackled all day.

i would have prob just packed up if it was me so really well done hun.

glad it want well

mills xx