View Full Version : Wish me luck please

07-07-08, 10:11
Ok I know this sounds absolutely stupid, but, as you know I am agoraphobic and haven't recently been out for over a week, but....today I have got to go out as it's my boyfriends 40th tomorrow and I have got to go get him a card, and thought I would be able to do this relatively easy as my sister-in-law is going to be sat next to me in the car, but things have now changed and I am sat here getting really panicky while waiting for her to turn up, because there are now workmen outside the house and they have put traffic lights up right outside. I am usually ok on short trips in the car, so long as the car keeps moving and I avoid traffic lights as hate stopping as I feel trapped....see, I told you its stupid didnt I?

I am now getting myself in a state as I know I am going to have to wait for lights to change before reversing off my driveway and I also know that the chances are I will get a red light and have to sit there on my way back home.

I so don't want to go out now, but I know I have to....please all I am asking is wish me luck.

Sometimes I feel I am going mad because of the things that make me panic.


milly jones
07-07-08, 10:51
kaz hun ull do it

i had to go out for birthday card remember.

when its for someone special u get a super charge of love and ull do it promise xx

plus ull have all nmp here thinking, waiting, wishing u to do it.

remember we all love u kaz and we support u no matter what

big hugs girl

milly xxxxxxxx

07-07-08, 10:51
Hi Kaz, these workmen turn up at the most worst times don't they.I would be panicing just because they are there as I think they will be watching me back out of the drive and laugh if I make a mistake( I don't do backwards well)lol!!Could your sister in law not drive out for you and then change seats down the road, probabley not covered on the insurance though. If you have to stop take deep breaths and say this will pass to yourself and you will soon be on your way. Well done for going out:yesyes:
Good luck:bighug1:

07-07-08, 11:09

Hope it goes ok.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

07-07-08, 11:28
hi ya kaz,

by now you should be out....but im sending you a hug mate.....a great big dawny one. xxxxx

love and cuddles dawny xxxxx

07-07-08, 16:13
Cheers everyone, well I did it...not once but twice!! Managed to go out and get the birthday card, then about an hour later I had to go out again as the school phoned and said that my 10 year old was unwell.

I have decided that the workmen aren't so bad after all, as one of them actually stopped the traffic for me to get out onto the road...and another has even stood talking to me when I got back.


milly jones
07-07-08, 17:15
well done kaz, see u can do it hunny


milly xxxx

07-07-08, 18:44
Well done kaz you should be really proud of yourself you have done well today.
