View Full Version : Hello Everyone

07-07-08, 12:17
Hi Everyone

I've come to the site as I am suffering from this awful lump in my throat and other problems.

I am the only daughter of two aging parents, whos health is not perfect. The problem is I worry about them so much, as they are my life.

A few weeks ago Dad had a dizzy spell, and Mum had problems too. I worried so much, that I then developed (not for the first time )the dreaded lump.

It goes when I sleep, and comes back when I praise myself for it having gone.

I feel I need support and hope that I shall get wise words on here.


milly jones
07-07-08, 12:24
hi bebe

wow what a lovely person u are

ur very welcome here at nmp

ull get plenty of support and gain new friends too who can empathise with ur situation


milly xxx:hugs:

07-07-08, 14:34
Hi Bebe,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


07-07-08, 18:32
Hi Bebe,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
You are doing a wonderful thing in looking after your parents.
Just remember your ability to look after them comes from you looking after yourself first.A fit and healthy you will allow you to give of yourself to them.
From personal experience,it can be incredibly rewarding making the lives of elderly parents comfortable but it can also be equally frustrating.
There has to be some Me Time during each day for you.
Best wishes,

07-07-08, 21:35
Hi Bebe

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

I get the throat thing as well - make sure you are relaxing your tongue and not holidng it against the rooth of your mouth and try sipping cool drinks or sucking ice-pops etc.

07-07-08, 21:42
hiya and welcome to nmp you will get lots of advice and support here and meet some friends too, u sound lovely and we will all help as much as we can so keep posting hun xx

08-07-08, 16:37
Thanks everyone for being so welcoming. I feel better today, after 3 weeks of total stress. I suppose just telling someone has helped.
Thanks again

08-07-08, 20:22
Hi Bebe and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

I can really sympathise because I get the throat feeling too and it's not nice. I'm also very close to my mum and dad who are really supportive. Have you tried taking up a hobby to distract yourself from thinking about your throat? I'm keen on photography and taking photos helps when my throat feels bad.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-07-08, 21:15
Hello Bebe And Welcome ....wish Ya Well.......linda

12-07-08, 17:19
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx