View Full Version : feeling Low!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-07-08, 12:25
Hiya,not been feeling to good last few days.Have loads of personal problems and its just worn me out.Feeling down and tired,and very anxious.:weep:
I have my meds review tomorrow,then I have to have my root filling completed on friday more expense.
My brother has been dry from drink for two months and had a relapse last week:mad: Why does everything happen at once!!!!!!!:weep:

Im not here for sympathy just to have a rant really,get some bits of my mind.I just did not want to get out of bed today and face the world,but my dogs and pets need me,so you have to pull yourself together and get on with it.
We have booked a holiday in Bude this year,havent been there in years,long before all my panic started and now Im worrying cos its out of my safety zone:scared15:
Feeling pretty lonely at the mo,I have no friends who I can call on,just my partner who's at work,cant off load on my poor mum all the time.The only friend I have only needs me when she wants something,cant really call her a friend:lac: it always works one way with her:mad:
Where I have been so anxious my tummy has all flared up again,and have headaches and back ache ect.

Sorry guy's to be a moaner:weep: xxxxxxxxxx
see ya later.

07-07-08, 12:49
hi ellen and im sorry u feeling rubbish at moment. so many things contribute to feeling this way dont they?. if i am tired i feel worse or if i had a drink or time of month or certain people in your life etc, its horrid. a holiday will do you the world of good and help u escape things for a bit. you may panic alittle but think of all the exciting things u can do and make it positive. i hope your brothers relapse is just a blip and he will carry on being dry. friends well theres a subject i have a few close friends and thats it i dont trust easily cos i am a loyal friend and people end up taking the p-ss and using me cos im nice and helpful. i have become more selfish of my own needs and i think we have to really to help ourselves. dont worry about putting to much on the people that do genuinely care about you though cos they are the onces that will listen and be there for you, so dont feel bad or guilty about that. anyway a rant sometimes is great and just wot we need, i hope u feel better soon hugs xxx

milly jones
07-07-08, 12:49
hey ellen u moan away

thats why were here

just loads hugs matey

take care

mill xxx

07-07-08, 13:22
big hugs ellen
love debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

07-07-08, 18:50
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Ellen

Kaz x:flowers:

08-07-08, 10:35
Been to doctors for review today,she asked if I wanted to reduce the citalopram yet,I said I was happy how things were at the moment,but the good news is Im reducing my propranolol from 80mg to 40 mg,bit nervouse about doing that but will see how things go.:hugs: