View Full Version : Head Pressure

07-07-08, 19:03
Does anyone else get pressure in their head like it is going to explode?

I have been suffering with this daily recently and I am keeping away from google cos I know what I'm going to find and it will make my suspicions worse.

It is in the top of my head and my head feels very heavy al the time and like the contents of my head takes ages to catch up when I move it. Sometimes it feels like my eyes are going to explode out of my head and my vision goes a little foggy.

My blood pressure is normal so I know it is not that and my eyes are fine cos I had them checked last month. All routine blood tests normal as well.

07-07-08, 20:27

I suffer with the same sympton to the point where I paid privately for an MRI scan of my head! I knew deep down there would be nothing wrong and I was correct!
It is simply another sympton of Anxiety took me 10 months to realise this unfortunately when this sympton disappears another will come in its place, my symptons manifest themselves all over my body at different times sometimes its my head, next neck and shoulder tension, next dead feeling in arms etc....
I'm now in my 4th week of Citalopram and feeling much more myself...
Good luck hunni, its nothing serious!

Clare x:)

08-07-08, 09:03
hi hun,

i did a post on head pressure a couple of days ago, mine comes suddenly and usually with weird hearing/sense of complete detachment-then i panic!

I am fine though, if it were something bad it would be there all the time or i would get worse-not better.

It is just anxiety,though if you are worried go to see your gp for reassurace, that should help you to feel a biut better.

cassi xxxxxxx

08-07-08, 09:11
I have already been and they said it was nothing. It's what you get all the time because they have already decided I was anxious. But now I am feeling better in myself and the head thing is still there it plays on my mind.

Quite often I feel dizzy and off balance but they are not prepared to look into it.

I have constant tinnatus which drives me mad as well. Sometimes it's a slight buzzing, other times it's like I've been to a very loud concert.

08-07-08, 15:24
Aw i know what you mean...

i feel like my doctors brush everything off as anxiety too, and I also get my symptoms even when i'm not feeling anxious! Its horrible, i also get the tinnitus, but its a really high pitched whistle i hear-drives me mad too, not so much dizzyness or anything else, but i also have an obsessional fear that theres something wrong with my heart, i get horrible heart symptoms but they rarely come when im feeling ok.

Have you had any scans or tests or anything?

Cassi xxxxxxx

09-07-08, 09:40
No, they won't send me for any tests or scans because they said all it is is anxiety.

Somtimes it feels like my heart and head don't move at the same time. If I bend down and get back up again I feel dizzy. My blood pressure is fine though as I have had that tested.

I am at a loss but feel rubbish as I feel like I'm on a ship a lot of the time.

Then there's the pressure which drives me mad too.

09-07-08, 13:17
[quote=precious78;357986]No, they won't send me for any tests or scans because they said all it is is anxiety. ______ I get the same thing, the second you admit youve got anxiety its like 'great, something to pin it on!' and like you dont deserve proper tests or even their time.

Somtimes it feels like my heart and head don't move at the same time. If I bend down and get back up again I feel dizzy. My blood pressure is fine though as I have had that tested. ______ I get the same dizziness when I get up (as well as the usual getting up too soon symptoms), and its like when I move my head things are swaying or still moving when Im not.

I am at a loss but feel rubbish as I feel like I'm on a ship a lot of the time.____ I feel the same, like the ground underneath me is moving and I feel like Im swaying (not sure if I really am).

So youre not on your own:bighug1:

10-07-08, 13:37
It's rediculous. I have a lovely Dr now, but I do feel like sometimes even she automatically goes to the anxiety thing when I mention something else.

They've sent me for blood tests, basic ones, but aren't prepared to do anything else which really annoys me. I know I have to trust them that they're right but when you feel as rubbish as we obviously do it is very difficult to believe that.

11-07-08, 08:34
Hey Precious

If you start believing your doctor, you might find the head pressure goes.

Worth a punt.

11-07-08, 13:00
Yep I get this too!

Piglet :flowers:

13-07-08, 09:21
I constantly feel like that. It just feels like my head is going to pop and sometimes it feels like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. I just wish it would go away!!

14-07-08, 08:54
leah2008 Has anyone ever told you what is causing it or have you had any tests?