View Full Version : Can It Be Beaten???

24-04-05, 22:04
I was wondering can anxiety be beaten or managed effectively? as i have been struggling with it for around a year now and i feel like i am getting worse again after having a period where i was alittle bit better!

I do drink alot of caffeine although im working on that to cut it out, i eat good food and fruit and veg and drink quite abit of water, i at least go for 30 mins walk everyday, i try deep breathing and other things but nothing seems to be working for me at the moment even my medication are there any other things i can do?? i have run out of ideas.
I take vitamins and omega 3 fish oil as well but nothing makes me feel better!

24-04-05, 22:10
hi Andrew,

You seem to be doing all the right things and it's really harsh that you're not benefiting from it. All I can say is that it probably will start to happen soon. When I started eating healthily, it took quite a few months for me to notice the positive effects - maybe it's the same with you?

Sarah :D

24-04-05, 22:22
We've just done a long thread on this ..
has anyone been cured (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3246)

The thing I don't hear you mentioning at all is changing the way you think and speak to yourself. Lifestyle changes are great and helpful but your inner dialogue is the most crucial .
Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
More thoughts : Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
Thoughts: obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-04-05, 12:40
Hi andrew,:D

I know what you mean I also do all the things you have said and sometimes though you still feel c**p as you say! :D

No I don't think you can be completely cured from anxiety but then you arn't supposed to be. Everyone has and needs a degree of anxiety in our life "FIGHT OR FLIGHT" but it's how you use it and ironically it's the anxiety that can protect us at times![:O]

My view is that I know I can't go back and change anything. So I am learning to accept what has happened to me and live with the new person I have become.[^]

I have always been a born worrier over sensitive and a negative thinker [Sigh...] so like many become the perfect candidate for panic and anxiety! Yipee NOT.

I try so hard now to turn a negative into a positive although it's so hard! ([Oops!] see thats negative already [:I]) Anyway I try to look at the good things like how many nice people I have met now and never knew. e.g On this forum plus i have a few great penpals I would have never have met if I hadn't had any of this.[Yeah!]

Another thing was as I had it so bad in the beginning I became very depressed and gave up smoking as I just wasn't interested. Now i had other illnesses before flu tonsilitus etc but never gave up. So at least having the depression made me give up after 12 years. Its been 3 years now I do still get cravings but i know I won't go back.

One of my favourite quotes is “Recovery Doesn't Always Mean Being Completely Free Of Anxiety: The Aim Is To Get It Down To A More Normal Level" and that is what I am aiming for!

Take care,

Hope alls well ;)

Love PIP's XX

25-04-05, 17:03
Pips - good on you for giving up smoking !!

Aim a bit higher than you think is needed and you'll probably get it. Aim lower and you may never reach it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-04-05, 21:47
hey andrew,
when i first started getting panic attacks i didn't realise what they were - anyway, i went and stayed with my mum for about a month and ate really really healthy food, took loads of vitamins, cut out caffeine, everything, and nothing worked. it was only when i started CBT and realised that it was hugely to do with my negative/catastrophic thinking patterns that i started getting better.
have you worked out what has triggered your anxiety?
henri x

26-04-05, 00:13
Thanks Meg ;)