View Full Version : Hi Guys and can u please help ???

07-07-08, 22:32
Hi my name is Jason i am 33yrs old. I have been suffering horrendous panic attacks now for approx 18 months. I was diagnosed with panic disorder early last year and also have severe health anxiety and despite the best efforts of cbt my gp and two cardiologist i am still find it almost impossible to be reassured and am convinced that my awful symptoms are something more sinister then anxiety. Let me just say i am so glad to have found this site and hope to contribute and also hopefully get some of my shattered life back so please this may be a long post but please please bear with me and reply.
I wasn't always like this not at all,
I have had a tough time but i was coping well or so ithought i came out of a pesudo christian sect after 5 years married and with a child at 23 and all the presssures that come with supporting a young family, disillusioned with the church and fresh in to a 5 year university course a world of partying drink and drugs was before me, dissilusioned with my faith i jumped in to it head first. Despite this i managed to complete my degree hold down a job and find time to maintain a reltionship with my gorgeous daughter and ensure the bills where paid. As time went by the marriage broke down and turned sour until the point it fell apart, my ex moved away and took my daughter which devastated me. Trying to maintain a reltionship with my daughter so far away was tough and created more stress but i could cope. After seperation from my ex the partying life went worse as i lived for the weeknd but all this came to a end in jan 2007. After a night of drinking, cocaine and ectascy i awoke i knew something was wrong i went to work with my heart pounding out of my chest and with chest pain. By the end of the day i had to go to accident and emergency, this was the first of 20 times that year and a year of total hell. A ecg revealed that my heart arteries here going in to spasm near my left ventricle blood tests showed tropin levels and ek levels where normal but for 8 days my ecg showed changes i was in hospital for 8 days before being discharged after a echogram revealed my heart was strong and after a angiogram showed my arteries where ok they let me out of hospital saying my heart had not been damaged permenantly. Since that i have ha a strees test which was ok 2 48 hr ecg which showed my heart rate behaving erractly with beats between 40 and 145 bpm and eptopic and pvc,s however cardiologist says i have nothing to worry about. The problem was my symptoms from that night did not dissapear i had a racing pulse, palpatation skipped beats, dizziness, faintaing, sickness, fatigue chest pain, my stomach bloats and i cant breath and i almost lost my job. I was in and out of hospital onvinced i was having a heart attack or stroke yet discharged after ecgs where ok and blood test negative. There was one further incident where my heart raced and my ek levels where raised yet they put this down to the fact that i train in the gym a lot so these can be raised. I quit drugs altogather but even if i have adrink now the next day i feel symptoms of heart attack or stroke my pulse races and the overwhelming feeling of anxirty is unbearable i shake from head to toe thinking i am going to die adreanalan runs through my body and i in a permenant state of immenant doom this feeling of panic can last for days and i cant be reassured or calmned down. All my gp can say is i have anxiety and not too worry i have eptopics and pvcs and these are nothing too worry about. I feel like i am at war with the medical proffesion as if i hae not damaged my heart why do i get all these symptoms of a damaged heart i think i am in danger all the time and have almost lost my job over it. I spend my time crawling the net with symptoms and come up with all sorts to explain my symptoms vit b deficiancy, low blood sugar can all cause overwhelming feelings of anxiety along with serious heart disease. Have they missed something ??
Whatever my diagnosies my life feels like it is over i live in a state of panic, i have almost lost my supportive girlfriend over it put my supportive family through hell am totally obsessed withy taking my pulse and am paranoid that my heart is going to stop. I have lost all my confidence i no longer see the point in anything, am frightened to go away on holiday as last year i came home after 3 days in a permenant state of panic. I dont want to go out my friends anymore as the symptoms are horrific when i drink alchohol, how can all this just be panic, anxiety and nothing serious i just dont know whqat to believe anymore ?

08-07-08, 12:22
Hi and welcome :)
I am sure you'll find lots of help and support here.


08-07-08, 12:30
Thanks belle i need it was convinced i having herat attack last night kept my poor girlfriend up most of the night and ended up saying off work not good. Still feel the urge to run to A and E and check i aint damaged anything.

08-07-08, 12:52
Hi pele,. welcome, I think you will find a lot of others like yourself, and get a lot of good advice and reassurance, I dont suffer with helath anxiety but a few years ago I was rushed to hospital, first ever emergency visit in 45 years, I was convinced i was having a heart attack or something and kept almost passing out (so I thought) ..because Id recently been diagnosed with anxiety/depression they immediately said thats what it was. I could not believe it and felt even worse when they packed me off home with a few valium, but it was this, I was to suffer again in the future but never severe like that and I learnt to control it.

I got a lot of help having weekly councelling I wonder if you could go, I know you say youve had CBT but maybe need a biot more input, anywayk, keep reading and posting.xxx

08-07-08, 13:05
Hi alexis
My big problem why the cbt does not work is becuase i think i have damaged my heart, in my view the symptoms started in Jan 2007 the same time i had the problem and have not stoppedso i figure 2 and 2 makes 4. Wish i knew for sure what actually happened to me that night if i could accept my heart was healthy and the symptoms where just anxiety aybe i could get on the road to recovery.


08-07-08, 15:51
Hi Jason,

Welcome to the site. Perhaps you can get your medical records from your hospital stay and have them reviewed by another doctor? If you have a second opinion of your health, another review of your medical records and are again assured you do not have any heart problems, maybe then you should seek counseling for anxiety.

Take care,

Laura xxx

08-07-08, 17:05
Hi Jason,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
I well remember the urgent drive to trawl the net looking for answers but...
the net result is more anxiety so try to cut down and then cut out that behaviour.
Anxiety feeds on itself and the more we focus on it,the more we suffer.
Take your time here.Get to know the Site and check out the Main Menu for info on symptoms and how to cope.
Be positive....you are taking action to deal with your problems.
Best wishes,

08-07-08, 20:23
Hi Pele and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

08-07-08, 21:14
Hello Pele And Welcome ....wish Ya Well........linda

08-07-08, 21:21
hiya im sorry u been through so much hun, the anxiety u have is making feel this way and from wot u said u need to believe the docs and get on with life. as hard as it is worrying will just make it worse. please dont drink cos it will make your anxietys sky high, they do with me and last days. also dont google cos it always tells u wot u dont wanna know, eat healthy, mayb light exercise like walking daily keep the blood pumping and try to be positive and happy with your lovely girlfriend. keep busy to keep your mind off stuff and not give u so much thinking time hugsxx ps welcome to u xx

08-07-08, 21:23
:welcome:Hi, and welcome aboard xx

08-07-08, 22:03
Hi Jason

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

milly jones
09-07-08, 11:59
aww jason sweetheart

my thoughts go out to u

welcome to nmp

i do hope u find peace here

milly xx

Veronica H
09-07-08, 16:54
hi Pele
What a dreadful time you have had. I can identify with the health anxiety. This creates the need for a cause that can be fixed quickly therefore requiring less contact with health professionals and possible illness. I agree that there may be a way for you to view your medical records and to reassure yourself that everything has been done to investigate any heart problem. It is possible that your anxiety has found something to hang on to which is not helping your recovery.
Best wishes
Veronica H

10-07-08, 22:09
Thanks guys all of u really gladi found this site. Been off wor this week with panic / amxiety / heart condition don't know what it is just know its damn unpleasant. Been harrasing the dr this week blood tests for thyroid, liver, kidney, vit b12 etc all come back ok , also had stress test fine, echo fine , numerous ecg some a bit dodgy but overall 2 cardiologist say i have nothing to worry about yet the symptoms persist....

10-07-08, 23:02
Ok so you had all the tests done and all clear.

Now you need to accept this and move on and start recovery.

Have you read the First Steps post or other pages on the website?

10-07-08, 23:29
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
be sure to keep posting as it realy helps to talk about things and we will help you as much as we can.
hope to talk to you in chat sometime

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


12-07-08, 15:46
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx