View Full Version : The power of self-hypnosis

07-07-08, 23:48
This lady seems to have mastered self-hypnosis by having an operation without anaesthesia. I can numb toothache using self-hypnosis, but I don't think I'm good enough to have an operation using it.


I'm a big advocate of self-hypnosis and learning how to control your mind. The concious and subconscious share the mind. But it's the subconscious that controls the body, so learning self-hypnosis is like having a window to the subconscious where you can control most of your body.


08-07-08, 23:15
hiya tom sounds really interesting and i did read that story although im not sure id be brave enough lol hugs xxxxx

11-07-08, 12:17
The lady in question was on the "Good Mourning" program today. How she did it was she fooled her subconscious into believing that her knee was packed in ice, so she felt no pain. The subconscious is rather dump - people fool it everyday into thinking there is real danger where there is none, it's called a panic attack.
