View Full Version : New- first post of fears

08-07-08, 12:29
Dear all, this is my first post although I have browsed the website for a couple of months now deciding what to say...I have made a self diagnosis that I have anxiety...what sort of anxiety i have no idea (i seemed to have suffered for a few years now but it seems to manifest and get worse) I have been to the docs but they have been no help. I can go days and feel fine then days where I feel so anxious. My main fears are that for some irrational reason I will just stop breathing (get sudden death syndrome or something) or that I will eat a new food that I am allergic to and STOP breathing... I know these thoughts r silly but I just wondered if there is anyone out there with these fears (as I have not seen this on here) or if i am just completely mad and alone. My anxiety is mainly based around breathing and everything else stems from there.. not wanting to be alone in case something happens, feeling trapped in certain situations and wanting to run away (like a que in a supermarket) fearing certain places etc etc.... I could go on but I dont want the post to be too long. Anyway does anyone else think any of these things? :)

08-07-08, 12:39
Hi Imagination and welcome, sounds like you are defionjitly suffering from anxiety, is it not possible to see another GP as there is so much help and advice on offer for it, take care and welcome, you will get lots of help and advice here.xxx

08-07-08, 12:42
Hi thanks for replying I was worried no-one would reply! Have u any advice on what to say because when I explained to my GP that I though I had anxiety he did not suggest anything to me. I dont think he took me too seriously!
Thank you

08-07-08, 12:58
o dont worry, you will get lots of replies, have you only been to GP once, if so maybe a second visit would prove how worried you are, or see a different GP, take a list of your symptoms, i was shocked when I went as I had no idea what he would say, thought I had a heart and throat problem, xxx

08-07-08, 15:57
Welcome to nmp, youve come to the right place for help and advice, everyone is so friendly. About your breathing problem, i have anxiety and my main symptom is a problem where by i feel as though i cant breath properly, sometimes i can go for days and days without any problems, then wollop, back it comes agian, it can happen to me anywhere, work, home in the car this has been going on for months now and my gp says its my anxiety unfortunately there is no magic wand to make this go away, but the best way i find to deal with it is to occupy your mind as much as possible, ie having a good chat to a friend reading a good book and i also find baking helps me too, hope ive been a little help to you, but youre not on your own with this, pm me if youd like a natter
Take Care POLLY

08-07-08, 16:59
Hi Imagination,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
The scepticism of doctors is a recurring theme here.You must be consistent and persistent with them.If it helps,print off a copy of your thread and take it with you - some people find it easier to express themselves on paper than in a face-to-face situation.
Be determined to resolve your problems.Your medical treatment is a right not a privilege.
Best wishes,