View Full Version : Cure/ Prevention for facial nervous tics?

08-07-08, 13:31
For the past couple of years I've been getting nervous twitches in my face, around my mouth. Sometimes this is accompanied by blinking, and an intense dizziness in between my eyes which is so powerful that it makes me screw up my face involuntarily. Whilst the latter is rare, my facial twitch around my mouth is happeneing more and more. It's got to the point where its ruining my life..any situation where I'm getting attention I'm not cmfortable with..walking into a club,making small talk with a stranger,even having my photograph taken, for instance, I get this awful twitch in my mouth, where if I try and smile (my usual defense mechanism) my mouth trembles..and the only way I can make it go is to stop smiling..and you can imagine how awkward this is for me when I'm meeting new people...to be smiling one minute, twitching the next, and then blank faced and scared looking..its got to the point where I feel I can't speak to certain people it would better if I did speak to because I know that I'll end up with this twitch..I used to be able to hide my anxiety by being bubbly and smiley and now Its on my face for everyone to see..I'm not on any drugs for my anxiety at the moment because I find they numb my experience of life and make me unhappy..but I'm actually considering taking something, just to get rid of this awful twitch..Its making me so unhappy. Does anyone know of any way to prevent/cure facial twitching, or has any advice for me..its driving me mad.

08-07-08, 15:12

Unfortunately I do not know of a cure but I just wanted to empathize with you. I sometimes have a twitch under my left eye and most of the time don't even realize it until someone tells me. How awful to know I'm walking around like that and don't even know it! I know that mine is due to stress, anxiety and the beginning of a migraine. It helps to know what causes and brings it on. Since you don't state why you know what brings yours on I believe you need to do one of two things or perhaps both. Go for counseling, most here prefer CBT and/or go see your GP and discuss why this could be happening and if it is anxiety (which I think it is) a very low dose of medication. I think you must take some course of action as this is now affecting your life to where you don't want to interact with people or feel awkward doing so. I do understand how you feel. If some other poster does know of a cure, please pm me with it. Good luck.

Take care,


12-10-08, 15:41
Hi, I've been goin through the same thing for the last five months, the facial twitch around the mouth and cheeks that stops you from smiling around other people. i also used to be a very smiley person it was a great defence for anxiety but now i cant do it without this twitch. it casts a shadow over your social life. i've been having panic attacks aswel and i think their linked to this twitch. have you had any luck with any drugs? im on citalopram but its not doing much yet (only been on it for a week). beta blockers are another option. like you im also wary of drugs that numb your life experiences but its getting to much for me now so i went for th citalopram. it is a real releif for me to see somone describing the identical problem i thought i was the only one with this. im sure we will get past this eventualy. CBT is another good suggestion. have you seen your GP yet?

10-12-08, 22:55
i have the same problem myself. only difference with me is ive had it for over half my life at this stage. for half my life i cant smile when i get nervous or anxious. both sides of my face tremble uncontrollably. it has pretty much ruined my confidence. i avoid sitting with groups of people because i start to get nervous incase everyon bursts out laughing and i cant actually laugh becuase of this twitch. im ok in a small group and have managed to get buy in life, come across pretty confident in work and with people i know, but when im in a situation out of my control i start to panic cause i know i cant smile or laugh. i have never seen a doctor about it becuase im a typical bloke really, but from what i have read online there doesnt seem to be any definate reason or cure for it. my own personal theory is mercury!!!! yes mercury cause nerve damage to people and fillings contain mercury. i have about 12 or more fillings as a result of eating a lot of sweets when i was a kid...anyway i think that has something to do with it in my case. whatever the casue is its made a mess of my life. its even effected my relationships. i broke up with my last girlfriend casue i couldnt deal with all the large family outtings in her family. (all lovely people but i just couldnt deal with the sitting in a room while everyone was having a laugh and im sitting there looking odd and inside having a mini panic attack. oh and of course what helps me get over my problem??? booze...!!! when i have a few beers i feel more relaxed and can manage social situation a lot better. now as this has been the case for years now i now drink too much and am afraid to say i more than likely have a drink problem at this stage...it just really sucks, i used to be outgoing and happy and always up for a laugh. now im a nervous anxious wreck with a facial tick...

19-01-09, 23:41
Hey all.. I'm new to the forum and it is so refreshing to see that I'm not the only person who suffers with this embarrasing problem. I too tense up in my face in situations when I'm feeling anxious & as a result every time I move my mouth I "tremble" on either side & I have to kind of keep my mouth in a pursed position as people talk to me otherwise my face twitches. It's so embarrasing & really gets me down because I avoid social situations because I know I'll start "twitching" if I'm feeling anxious.
Just recently a guy I really used to like at school got in contact with me 8 years after we last saw each other. I have always thought about him & wanted to meet up with him however when I did I was a bag of nerves & ended up avoiding a house party he invited me too (which I really wanted to go to.) He invited me out a few times after that but soon gave up probably thinking I was down right rude after I declined so many times.
This condition is really taking over my life. I work in a job where I am always meeting new people & have to speak with them in depth ever day & it's really effecting my work.

19-01-09, 23:53
I don't know if it depends on th severity but in alot of cases if it comes and goes then it is most likely due to anxiety. I get them too and also a tautness around the jaws. I even get them sometimes when I don't think I am particularly anxious and also sometimes when I feeel very tired.

I don't think in these cases there is a cure but the prevention is less anxiety which as we all know is easier said than done. They are extremely uncomfortable so I can understand the concern all too well. But really I don't think it can be cured as such. If we can find ways to curb our anxiety then it will stop these happening- or at least lessen the frequency.

If it is a long term thing though then I would imagine it is more than just anxiety.

All the best


10-08-09, 01:08
Hello. I was searching the web to see why I get facial twitches and came across this page. Jazzybear - you explained my situation to the t with your story. Thank you for sharing. I've been having this occur since I was 18. At one point I started avoiding social situations because of it. And like Yak I realized that booze helps with the twitching. Now at 22 - I still experience the facial twitching, but have realized, like any anxiety or panic situation, avoidance of situations makes things worse. So now I just throw myself into all situations. Sometimes a twitch comes up when talking to a new person about my self or other times, but they've been better after I stopped avoiding situations. I have found that chewing gum works and takes my mind off the facial twitching. Like other people said on here - I used to smile a lot sometimes out of nervousness - it seems like the "fake" smiles are part of the problem.

Has anyone found any solutions to facial twitching?

Also, my eye has been twitching for a month now... I'm not sure why...

30-10-09, 12:12
I have the exact same problem. I am looking for an answer for it but have not found one. Anyways dont feel alone, you described my problem exactly

31-10-09, 00:50
i used to get that dizziness in the eyes you mention and it made me screw up my face and eyes just for a second to get rid of it (as i did this i get a slight fuzzy feeling in the head and eyes which mildly sooths the dizzyness and it goes away, only takes a second like), i got it most when i first got anxiety and drank alot, i got it mostly when hung over, i get it occasionally now but not very often, as with most symptoms i think the less you think about it the less you'll get it.

01-11-09, 04:23
I wanted to mention some ways to cure this problem. As I mention in an earlier post, I have the same problem. I read all the other post and only one person stated a way to overcome it. They mentioned gum and not to avoid the situations that make this tic happen. I wanted to say that I also tried gum and it works surprisingly well. I highly recommend this. Whenever you feel the tic happening in your smile just chew the gum and move your lips around. This may not entirely stop the tic, but no one else can notice it unlike when it happens without the gum. This inturn makes you less self conscious about it and it happens a little less. Also, I am really looking for a cure for this problem that we share, so I have been reading a lot about anxiety. The earlier post I read also mentioned not avoiding the situations, which I agree with, but I have read that it is good to approach the situations a little at a time. Do not jump into the most stressful situation and expect to be 100% anxiety and tic free, try with the gum a little at a time. Anyways, I have had this problem for too long and recently set up an appointment with a psychiatrist. Has anyone else seen a psychiatrist for this, and if so what did they say?

02-02-10, 19:45
Ok, this is great. Finally the same problem as I have. I've read lots of posts and articles about twitches, tics and stuff, but most of the time the problem was different than mine. But this thread is about exactly what I have.
I was always a bit shy (used to blush sometimes and etc), but mostly I was really social, outgoing and happy child till one day. When I was 13 or 14 years old my twitches started when I was in front of class and tried to smile/laugh and it happened like out of nowhere and I didn't even understand what it was at the time. After that I started to get them whenever I smile/laugh, especially on fake smile/laugh. It basically ruined my life, from that day my confidence went downhill. Now I'm 19 never had a gf and dont see that happening, I developed social anxiety and depression (at the moment it's much better than a year ago) and just can't tryly enjoy and experience life. Smiling, laughing is like the best thing in life and it makes everyone happy and I litterally can't do it... It's horrible I was at doctor told about my anxiety problems, but not about twitches, didn't get much help. I just can't talk about my problems even to doctor, I just find it really hard and yeah alcohol does help. Just few beers can make twitches go away. The thing about curing it, gum and getting out yourself doesn't help at all, cause it's not just something that comes when I think about it. It just something I can't control, I can feel quite relaxed and stuff, but whenever I smile I can get those ****ing twiches. it's so ****ing annoying I don't know what to do. :(
I really need help. Maybe somekind of medication could help for this? Cause alcohol can, but I really can't use alcohol for that. I also wouldn't know how to get that medication, cause doctors in my country do not prescribe drugs easilly.

02-02-10, 23:52
i have the same problem myself. only difference with me is ive had it for over half my life at this stage. for half my life i cant smile when i get nervous or anxious. both sides of my face tremble uncontrollably. it has pretty much ruined my confidence. i avoid sitting with groups of people because i start to get nervous incase everyon bursts out laughing and i cant actually laugh becuase of this twitch. im ok in a small group and have managed to get buy in life, come across pretty confident in work and with people i know, but when im in a situation out of my control i start to panic cause i know i cant smile or laugh. i have never seen a doctor about it becuase im a typical bloke really, but from what i have read online there doesnt seem to be any definate reason or cure for it. my own personal theory is mercury!!!! yes mercury cause nerve damage to people and fillings contain mercury. i have about 12 or more fillings as a result of eating a lot of sweets when i was a kid...anyway i think that has something to do with it in my case. whatever the casue is its made a mess of my life. its even effected my relationships. i broke up with my last girlfriend casue i couldnt deal with all the large family outtings in her family. (all lovely people but i just couldnt deal with the sitting in a room while everyone was having a laugh and im sitting there looking odd and inside having a mini panic attack. oh and of course what helps me get over my problem??? booze...!!! when i have a few beers i feel more relaxed and can manage social situation a lot better. now as this has been the case for years now i now drink too much and am afraid to say i more than likely have a drink problem at this stage...it just really sucks, i used to be outgoing and happy and always up for a laugh. now im a nervous anxious wreck with a facial tick.... Now u mention it mine all started when i had a filling done,however i mentioned this n docs laughed it off

03-02-10, 00:08
If its any comfort I get these to..I hate them and think many of mine are caused by tmj.. as for prevention or cure I don't think there is any.. Most doctors agree they are all benign and will disappear. My wife said she had one that lasted four years one time but finally went away .Hope you are feeling better soon. .Michael

03-02-10, 11:12
If its any comfort I get these to..I hate them and think many of mine are caused by tmj.. as for prevention or cure I don't think there is any.. Most doctors agree they are all benign and will disappear. My wife said she had one that lasted four years one time but finally went away .Hope you are feeling better soon. .Michael
These aren't just temporary muscle twitches that happen to all people. It's much more different than just that. These twitches happen always when you're nervour and almost always when you smile/laugh and they wonn't go away. I have them for 5-6 years now and all this time they didn't get any better and there wasn't a day that they went away.

09-08-10, 20:05
I have the exact same problem, and it's really getting to me. I have essential tremor though, anyone else here who has been diagnosed with this condition?

I was diagnosed with essential tremor a few years ago. First I was just glad I knew what it was, but it began to bother me last year, so I went again and he subscribed me Propanolol.

Works pretty good I must say, tremors aren't gone, but at least it's better. The main reason I wanted the medication though was because of my trembling mouth (I don't know a better way to describe it).

Everytime I get nervous and I laugh, my mouth starts to tremble like crazy. The Propranolol (3x40mg a day) doesn't seem to help with this. People notice this, so sometimes I just don't laugh (makes me look arrogant) or I try to act like I didn't hear it or I look away. Just because I don't want to be embarassed. Also when I'm 100% relaxed and alone, I still have this...

This is really getting to me because I have a very social life. When it's my birthday I try to drink enough (alcohol seems to solve this trembling mouth problem) before I have to open any presents. I'm always anticipating situations where I will have to laugh and my trembling mouth will get noticed. It's really starting to ruin my life, because laughing is one of the most important things people should do. I don't want to be drunk to be able to laugh normally.

I've tried Propranolol (beta-blocker) and Xanax (also in combination) and hey help, but only a bit (I also only use them as-needed before meetings etc...).

13-02-11, 14:02
I'm far from any expert, but I have had the same problem and I'd like to mention some stuff that i think helped me. I haven't completely gotten rid of the problem yet, but it's much better already.

I noticed that making somewhat unusual movements on the lip increases the chance of a twitch. Perhaps related to insecurity about the facial expression. So i found it helpfull to practice for some days to move my lips in all the directions. After i do it, i feel more free, much of the tension is gone.. After this i'd still be afraid to talk, but i noticed if i try to talk and move my mouth more, the twitches would almost be gone.. It might not be gone for the first day but perhaps after a while? However don't overfocus on the problem, which doesn't help. Also keep in mind a twitch is not bad as one may think. I've seen it happen to others too and when I see it, i'm relieved that it doesn't really look bad at all, i just think that the person is anxious and that it's just to keep showing friendlyness towards that person and its fine.

Another thing which helped is this very simple exercise: Relieves muscle tension: http://www.guidetopsychology.com/autogen.htm

Anxiety tics in general seem to want you to focus on the problem. But doing this creates an endless negative circle. It's as if the twitch and anxiety tics wants you to think in a certain assosiative pattern or in other words focus all your thought power to solve the problem you're afraid of. I found that thinking outside the box helped me too. Like focus more on other things like empathizing replies or saying things with emotion..

Like i said i'm no expert, and maybe i'm even wrong, but i felt like this helped me towards getting better..

16-02-11, 16:50

There is a kind offcure for tics. My psychologist told me it take 30 days or so for a brain to learn an new action, so with regards to the tic, your brain now see's it as a normal reaction, the key is to retrain your brain. instead of twitching my face i clentched my fist, i did this for about 30 days and the tic was gone. Apparently it take that long for the brain to reprogrammed. This technique was learnt when they were preparing the very first astronauts for space travel. Alot of people have tics, luckily for them they are not facial but are very common, many comedians have them if you watch carefully.

17-03-11, 21:41
OMG i thought i was the only one!! I suffered from this a few times in my childhood, but wasnt something i focused on too much.

Unluckily for me i started concentrating on it when i was under immese stress - (my masters exams) and i had nothing to take my mind off it!!

For a year after my cheeks always felt tense and i feared it happening a lot! Was always on my mind.

I started a job which was quite intense training for the first 2 weeks - this helped so much as it was a massive distraction! THAT IS THE KEY! DISTRACTION! At the moment i am still working on getting rid of it completly, I know it gets worse when i have too much time to focus on it, or if i am stressed or tierd. When i feel a twitch coming on or my cheeks feel weird i try to focus on what is happening outside of my body.. like counting the stubble hairs on the person i am talking too or counting how many lines there are on a each letter in a word - anything to keep your mind active. I know the long term key will be to forget about this completly, which will be a challenge!

I think what will help is to allow it to happen in a situation, and realise its not as bad as i think it is - i just need to be brave to do that!

I also agree fake laughing doesnt help - i cant do it anymore and this used to be my coping mechanism!

GUM is amazing!! I find i dont even need to chew it to have it relieve my symptoms, just to have something in my mouth to play with helps - I know i can gew it to relieve a twitch if it happens!

You have to stop worrying what other people think, accept yourself and realise life is too short - dont worry im not preching as i am still working at this.

Am so happy to realise im not the only one - thats what made this so bad at first, thought noone would understand and when i saw a doctor they looked cluless!lol

17-03-11, 21:57
p.s. Yes alcohol helps lots - but this is because it is a relaxant, so it will act to relax the muscles in your face.

So the key is relaxation. The way i think about it is its the same as your legs or hands shaking when you are nervous. Its just your muscles being tense.

I also tell myself that just because my cheeks feel funny it doesnt mean the twitch is going to happen!

I am feeling so inspiered by this post! I have spoken to my boyfriend about this nervous twich - i felt ridiculous, but he was understanding and keeping it to yourself is the worst thing you can do! I am seeing him this weekend and am going to tell him im going to let it happen when im speaking to him, if and when it does and then ask him what it looks like!!

Ill let you all know..

16-06-11, 12:24
Hey everyone

I'm 23, also have this problem, ruining my life, etc

I find gum does help and alcohol works even better

also I have recently started smoking weed though which makes it worse, FYI.

I have been in a new job for 5 months, the job is really cool and I'm not stressed at all but yeah I still have this problem!

Sometimes when this happens though, it actually feels like my muscles are physically too tired to smile but I read that normal people get tired after smiling all day too so I don't think its a physical problem?

We need to find a proper cure I can't be like this for the rest of my life.

04-07-11, 19:50
Hi everyone. I'm 28 years old and I've had tics as long as I remember (the facial ones are the most embarassing). It can really bring your self esteem down. I've read that there is no definitive cure, however when you are more relaxed you tend to forget about them for a while, (unfortunately they tend to come back whenever you feel anxious, so the key will be to avoid anxiety). Try to feel less self-consciuos when a tic appears, because when you start thinking about it its happens more and its like a endless cycle. Some people mentioned in this forum that alcohol helps, however, i think this is not true. Some alcohol used to relax me, but since now I think I need alcohol to feel relaxed, now when I drink a single beer tics appear! (makes me feel like an alcoholic). So now I'm trying to avoid alcohol (this can be hard but if you really care about your tics you WILL have to do it). My doctor also said to stop smoking (cigarrettes do the opposite of relaxing you, because you know it is a bad habit)

Other method that has helped me is self hypnosis (meditation). You can find some downloads for free but I prefer buying them. You can even find hypnosis downloads specifically for facial tics, anxiety, nervous cough, stress, etc.

I don't like prescribed drugs, so if you're like me, try valeriana officinalis, it is a calming herb, in my pharmacy you can find it in tablets with no prescription.

I also like reading books about self-help, staying positive, psychology, etc.

I Hope this helps, also try running, gym, yoga, cooking, gardening (any hobby that suites you will keep your mind relaxed)

01-08-11, 16:44
i get a twitch in the upper left eye lid and it twitches on and off, iv been a few days now without any major stress and dealt with the stress that has come along ok, i think two major problems compounded normal life stress (uni, wife, money) i can handle all these but then i had an out break of fleas from next doors cat (thanks) and a seasonal nasal herpes outbreak and i thought my sight was about to go! it is very weird as most on here fear death or major illnesses but i just fear for my sight, if i had anything else i just sit back and relax but the though of going blind scares me silly!

09-08-12, 10:45
Darn so sad to see more people with my problem I can just imagine if any of you had to go through half of what I had to go through amberesment depression and complete loss of self confidence it's sucks I know!!! But the only good part about this page is I am not alone, well anyways guys if any of you can find any type of cure please post as much and as more thing or even lil tips to stop it!!! I'll def try the gum trick but come on alcohol it sucks really bad and plus alcohol can only stop it if I drink like 7 beers or get really hammer that's not a way out!!! And I thank all these people that been here posting and giving lil tips guys I am 23 years old an this thing ruined my life completely specially I won't forget the most emberesment of my life when I was in wedding and had to speak everybody saw my face twitch like crazy and till this day I think about it makes me feel really bad and I just wish there was something to help this huge problem!!! I am so frustrated I can't talk to people I can't talk to girls I can't even take a picture everytime I want to open my mouth for a smile I just end um twitching like crazy!!!! Hopefully this will end soon !!!

10-08-12, 03:52
Guys I have finally tried gum and it works just not as much as everyone said but it's def works and is way better then without it but usually u got to chew it none stop so it won't stop it but u def feel more comfortable talking and laughing so right now while there is no cure I would def try gum, pills pointless just screwing up ur body even more, alcohol also pointless just harming body and have to keep on drinking!!!! So just try gum for now see how it works!!!

04-11-12, 12:15
has anyone tried tic tamer?

28-11-12, 07:46
TAKE MAGNESIUM EVERYONE! Facial ticks are caused by magnesium deficiency. Magnesium glycinate is a good form - some people need up to 300mg/day. Start slow, and work your way up! Magnesium deficiency can be caused by excessive mercury in the system, or caffeine intake. It makes me want to cry seeing all these posts with all this suffering going on from a simple, common vitamin deficiency!

20-01-14, 22:45
I have the same problem. It was particularly bad today as it was my first day at work and I was meeting lots of new people. I had to look away as I could smile & join in like everyone else. Its just another thing to feel a failure about. I don't have looks, I don't have brains (I struggle with all my essays), I don't have friends or money to take up hobbies that I am really interested in as I am a student. I already suffer from hyperhydrosis and I have severe acne scarring. It's like my body & now my mind is against me. In the process of trying to fix my face Ive tried TCA, derma rolling, which means I have to walk around with a scabby face for most of the week. All this together makes me want to avoid people. To overcome anxiety I started mixing irish cream with my cofffee t/o. I use to smuggle bottles in my bag to get through college. I put on atleast 2 stone & spent alot of money in the process. Drinking is not the answer. Im guna get up early tomorrow whilst it still dark and run to try and release some of the anxiety and to feel not a failure atleast once during the day. Chewing gum is a good idea to help prevent twitches, but will only get you so far. Sounds silly but maybe better to smile less with mouth and use eyes instead in general, then save quick/generous smiles to last. Anyhow I'm going to keep working on building my confidence in every respect and practice taking more risks in social situations. I have been a loner with anxiety for 10yrs now. I need to stop striving to please others, instead work to please myself. Either way I am still on my own, but atleast then I can say I'm not a failure in my own eyes. Thanks for reading x

25-06-17, 14:22
I have been suffering from the same problem for the past 2 years. Has it subsided now for any of you guys? If so, please tell me what you did! This is really annoying :(

25-06-17, 14:44
Hi Try magnesium according to MemeLee and it's a old thread so the posters have long left the forum and it's a old thread too try setting your own thread up in the same subforum Cheersi