View Full Version : Anxiety Nausia

lilac kitten
25-04-05, 10:02

Quick question for you ....

Just recently I've been suffering with a tight tummy, nausia and really bad anxiety whenever I go anywhere. I take anti sickness pills (which I tell the doctor are for migraine nausia), and I do get panic attacks.

I've taken up an exercise class with a friend at work who also suffers and we do encourage each other, but she doesn't let nausia affect her she just gets on with it, whereas I worry about being sick.

I've tried relaxation and in my head I'm fine and all up for doing stuff, but my insides don't seem to agree with head.

I'm starting a course next wedensday in the evening for the next five wedensdays and am worried because I want to do this without anti sickness pills and I don't want to let myself down.

I even tell my sons that I cant promise to take them to the park, seaside, etc. because I don't know how I'll be feeling.

I do have problems with my partner who I really don't want to be with, he's mentally abusive and makes me feel insecure. I have told him to leave, and he says he wants to go, but doesn't want to leave the boys. I'm like a stuck record and I also worry who will help out if I'm ill and really need someone to get the boys from school etc. I have no family or real friends to help out and so I think I hold on to him for security and what ifs.

I know the answer to that one I'm afraid, but I just wish I could get back to my old self and stop being a worry wart.

Anyway any tips or sympathy on the tight tummy, enthusiastic head thing.


25-04-05, 10:20
hi l.k,
i get a tight tummy,nausea, amongst other things to, i can def relate to you on your partner,mine to is mentaly abusive,even before i started this awfall anxiety, he sais i should pull myself together and according to him, hes going put me in a mental hospital, and sais worse when we argue, i must admit he makes me feel insecure, hence the anxiety gets worse,im getting to the stage where it goes in one ear out the other, my opinion is they dont understand what were going through, and hit out at us mentaly,so i just block out his comments it works for me, i hope this helps
take care
luv sue x:)

25-04-05, 10:21

Do you take anything to help with the panic attacks?
All your symptoms are due to anxiety, have you tried tonic or soda water for your tummy as recommended by Meg, it helped me a lot especially when I was out and about as burping seems to calm my tummy down, I used to carry a bottle of fizzy water everywhere with me, also lavender oil to inhale when I felt panicky.
You seem to have a lot to contend with in your relationship right now which is probably excacerbating your panic/anxiety so I'm not surprised you feel like you do.
Hope this helps
Take care

Elaine x

25-04-05, 12:08
Hi LK,

So sorry you are going through such a tough time hun! I have been through the bad abusive relationship thing in the past and understand just how tough it can be to move on and start over. I have moved on now 6years laterand don't look back the only regrets i have is the 3 years wasted with him! I suppose i only stuck it out as when he was nice he was so nice if you know what I mean! I can appreciate how hard it is for you though especially with the children I don't have any children so it was easier for me.

The sickness thing and tight tummy is anxiety I to get that when I am anxious. Have you told your doctor about the anxiety and Panic attacks? You say he thinks the tablets are for migrain. Perhaps you should have a good chat with your G.P and explain all your symptoms so they can help you.

Well done for taking up the exersise class! That's good. What course are you starting next wednesday?

As Elaine mentioned tonic water is very good for calming the tummy down also Ginger is very good to aid nausea.

I hope you feel better soon. Remember we are here to help.

Take Care


lilac kitten
25-04-05, 14:31
Thanks guys its great to know I'm not too alone. I will sort my relationship out one day I'm sure.

Yes I remember Tonic Water I used to take a while ago that does help and I have some Ginger beer sitting on my desk, I tried them both recently when I had a tummy virus. Thats the other thing, I've had four tummy virus' in the last year and everytime I think its anxiety. Its only because the kids get the same thing I know I've had a virus.

I'm starting a Visual Basic for programming course. Totally new to me, but it was only five weeks £24.00 and looked like fun - and its something to add to my CV. The other class I do with my friend at work is ... wait for it .... a Pole Dancing class for fitness. Its done at the fitness club. The girls are great and know I get anxiety and really are very kind, I go home every week feeling positive (its just the fact I can't move on Sunday due to aching muscles!!), but to be with positive people who understand also helps.

I went to the doctor the other day, but she just looked at me sypathetically and nodded a lot - I felt like saying am I boring you? She just said that I was overly anxious and that was causing my symptoms but decided to do bloods just in case. I changed to her because my other doctor was not too good and she seems just as bad now. I feel like I wasted her time - and mine. I had a quick peek at the screen when the nurse left the room to get the blood testing bits and they have me down as suffering from anxiety and a worrier. But I still think they should take me a little more seriously than that. In fact she even seemed to forget I'd had two children!!

Anyway I'll see how I get on tomorrow my manager is coming down and I always get anxious then. He's lovely and kind, so no need to be nervous, but you know how it is my head will be positive and my stomach will tighten.

I'll let you know how it goes. Sometimes its just good to read kind words of support and encouragement and knowing that I'm not alone.

Cheers guys,

25-04-05, 16:59

What did you want your doctor to do/ say/ suggest ?

Good for you on the courses you've started.

Your relationship does have a big impact but you'll know when you're ready to deal with that one ..


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26-04-05, 00:24
Hi there LK,

Sorry to hear about your Dr its hard to get an understanding G.P especially where anxiety and panic is concerned hey!

Good luck on your course hun!

Pole dancing hey that sounds like fun they say its the new rage. Thats something for your C.V to LOL!

Good luck also with your manager tomorrow!

Take care


lilac kitten
26-04-05, 09:30
Thanks guys,

Meg - I went to get a repeat prescription, but I had some 'niggles' that I wanted to clear up. The thing is I had an op for precancerous cells last year, I bleed really heavily after, now they say my cervix has closed up completely and that I need another op to open it. The doctor that did the LETTZ on the cervix in the first place has been dismissed for butchering a woman, and making her bleed so much she had the whole lot removed in the end. I've had a number of symptoms like tummy ache, swollen belly, and its hurts around there as well, but all the doctor said was it would not be down to the LETTZ and that the woman the doctor butchered was a one off. But the other consultant I've seen - the one who needs to redo the cervix is concered, but again hasn't said too much. They also can't get a repeat smeer to check there are no more precancerous cells until the op is done and there is a long waiting list.

I guess I just want some reassurance and understanding. I am really worried. The doctor said that my cervix had closed up due to having not had children - yet I've got two. When I told her this she said that it was probably the LETTZ treatment and that I should wait until I speat to the consultant. Maybe she was just having a bad day I don't know. She can be really nice and sympathetic - we all get bad days though don't we.

I'm feeling amazingly calm today and even thinking of taking my son swimming tonight. My tummy is a little tight, but thanks to your support and kind words I'm going to try and get through the day without any Stemitil. I've got my mints, water and ginger beer.

Thanks again guys,

26-04-05, 11:45
Hi LK,

Glad your feeling Calm,

Hope today goes ok for you,

Good Luck,


26-04-05, 11:47
P.S Sorry to hear all the trouble you have been having with your cervix. I hope it gets sorted out soon for you.

Take Care,


26-04-05, 14:25
Hi LK,

Humm, a phone call and follow up letter to your Head of Clinical Services or PCT may help especially if the previous surgeon is under investigation..


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lilac kitten
06-05-05, 12:29
Cheers, yes I think a letter is in order. My partner was rushed to hospital back in January with chest pains and sent home with pain killers being told it was Muscular Skelatol. Now five months later he has finally been treated for a large abscess in his lung and had 4 pints of pus drained off. The consultant advised him to make a complaint against the doctor that treated him the first time in A & E because the consultant said it actually shows up on the xray they took back then.

Actually I've been feeling really good just lately. Quite positive. I even survived being on my own with the two kids in the house at night whilst partner was in hospital -just though I might add.

Love to everybody,

06-05-05, 15:22
Glad all is going well . Just is quite good enough....

Good luck with your letter.


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