View Full Version : Skin Picking. may be TMI

08-07-08, 16:52
Hi Everyone

Does anyone suffer from picking there skin. Just recently , couldn't say when it started, if I got like a spot or something. I would like squeeze out the pus, and keep picking that it, I would pick off the scabs etc etc.

I would pick at my skin at night when I am asleep, watching tv, I don't realise I am doing it. Yes its a couple of spots on my arms, but I am doing it on my chest now. I have got marks where I have squeezed the spots and they have sort of dried up, yes I do still pick at them. They feel itchy and so I scratch and pick.

Does anyone suffer from this, what do you do. What do you put on the skin?. I am really interested in your experiences and advise.

Many Thanks


08-07-08, 17:07
put some gloves on so you can't pick at spots so much

milly jones
08-07-08, 18:36
hi hun

i had this real bad after my breakdown, but am controlling it well now.

i used to pick skin on my face, esp spots or when hairs grew out of my eyebrows id start plucking with tweezers and this would create a sore, then a scab etc. i also hair pull too at times of stress.

i think its a matter of awareness and self control, and keeping ur hands busy, esp whe relaxing at night. nmp is good cos im always typing, lol

i never really thought of it as ocd/sh until it was picked up at the hospital.

as i say now it is under control and im much more aware of what im doing to my face.

hopw this helps

milly xxx

08-07-08, 21:27
I was pleased to find someone else who picks their skin as I thought I was the only one and was too embarrassed to mention it here. I cannot leave any scab or spot alone and have scars to prove it. At the moment I have nasty places on my legs that I have made a mess of and my husband saw them and got cross. I often wonder if it is a sort of self harming thing.