View Full Version : agoraphobia help me?

08-07-08, 16:52
Hi, sorry if i have posted in the wrong section.

Ive recently been reading up on agoraphobia after feeling like i might have some kind of problem.

dont know where to begin but i want to get this of my chest and any help i can get as its beginning to get to me the way i am.

Firstly im 22 years old and for the Last 6 years since leaving school i have been in and out of jobs because ive always felt like i cant socialise i panick and begin to get hot and bothered.

I Thought this may be just me going through my teen years but its never got better and ive just adjusted to living how i am. I feel as if people look at me like im some kind of bum, but really i am not and i would like to work i just dont feel i can, i am quite an homely type of person if thats anything to go by.

In the past 2 years its gradually got worse I cant even go to the Local supermarket or post office or any confrontational places. what seems to happen is i feel people are looking at me and i get hot and begin to sweat and if im at a counter and im sweating i get agitated sometime feeling a little angry, its very embarrassing, im currently out of a job i did a days work last week and just couldnt cope and packed in knowing i do need money but its like my body just shuts off.

its at the point now where i realise something aint quite right.

Can anyone please give me any advice on what im going through what should i do, what help can i get, i realise working isnt right for me yet but is there any help i can get? i cant claim job seekers allowance as i feel pressured into jobs and end up quitting then back at square one again.

any help would be very much appreciated, and sorry for such a long post.

08-07-08, 16:58
just to add some other things im going through with this

> when people ring me i tend not to answer the phone even if it is a friend, i only really answer the phone to my parents or gf.

> I fear paying for petrol incase sometimes i dont have the right change

> I dont like being confronted by people or being put on the spot

> if i have to go to a place im not sure about i wear a hat to help me feel better so if i sweat no one else would see.

> when some members of the family come round i will go upstairs out the way.

08-07-08, 17:09
Hello Rich,

Firstly I don't think you are Agoraphobic...I am and what you describe does not sound like me, but, I do think you are suffering with Social Anxiety.

Being an Agorgaphobic, I am scared to go out of the house, I do, but not alone and I cannot go far (although saying that today has been a good day for me).

I have made friends on here though who do suffer with Social Anxiety and what you describe sounds exactly the same as what they sufer with. They cannot make eye contact with people as they feel they are being judged or not worthy etc...they don't answer the phone because they dont know what to say to the person on the other end.

I am 100% sure that another member will be along soon and that they will be able to help you with the questions you raised and also to confirm that you are not Agoraphobic.


17-07-08, 23:32
Hi Rich, I agree with Kaz, I think what you are suffering with is more like social anxiety. What you have described is exactly what I have been suffering with for about the last year. I had topack my job in 3 months ago as I just couldn't cope at work any longer, kept having panic attacks etc. I always feel as though everyone is staring at me and judging me when I'm at the supermarket, or out shopping and its a horrible feeling. I have had some cognitive behavioural therapy, through the nhs, and at the time it was very helpful, so I would definately recommend asking your G.P about this. However, it is one of those things that you have to practice the techniques you learn in order to begin to change the way you think.

I would say don't stop trying to do the things that make you feel anxious, keep fighting it, trust me, it does help. I am 21, and it's pretty rubbish feeling this way when you are so young so I know exactly what you are going through.

Anyway, I hope this might help a bit.


18-07-08, 01:28
Hey Rich, i am 21 years old and i have agraphobia.
I have had this like 9 months now and i have been out of the house about 3 times and each time not very far.
I don't think you are suffering from agraphobia but maybe something similar, i would advise you to see your GP as soon as possible as i always fear situations like this progressing into agraphobia.
Been so young with agraphobia is so hard, i feel like my life has been robbed from me and there is nothing i can do, i feel alone and depressed, i would never wish these feelings on anyone, agraphobia does take over your life, like many mental health illnesses, I wish you all the best and hope you okay, keep us updated on how it goes for you.