View Full Version : Driving me and my family mad....

08-07-08, 18:05
Hi there - I'm new to this site but it is a relief to find it...

I have suffered from health anxiety for about 10 years now. Once I put one symptom to rest - another pops up and I find myself constantly worrying about my health and dying - my main fear being cancer. I seem to spend my time at the doctor's, lying awake at night worrying, being bad tempered at home because I am obsessed with whatever I think is wrong with me at the time. Being reassured by a doctor normally helps for a day or two - but then a new one comes along and I am floored - again!

I am at a loss as to what to do - part of me knows that a lot of it is in my head but there is always the other part that tells me that this symptom might be the real thing and that I am going to find that I DO have cancer.

I recently underwent full blood work - including inflammatory markers - they all came back completely normal.... would these tests show cancer of any kind? I keep thinking I have a small lump just above my collar bone, on the right side - sometimes I can see it and sometimes I can't - when I can see it, I push it and prod it and it disappears (so am wondering is it a vein) - so now I'm plagued with worry as I know a lump in this region can be serious....

This is hell.... and I really am at my wits end as to what to do. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.


08-07-08, 21:46
hiya becky just wanted to say welcome and wot u have is really common, u just got to keep telling yourself that u r ok its just your anxietys making u feel this way and try to keep your day busy so to stop u having so much thinking time hun. hugs xxx