View Full Version : Latent Stress/Anxiety

08-07-08, 18:08
So I've had all sorts of health issues/worries over the past few months, but things had been pretty good for a few weeks until just recently. I've been getting what I think are tension headaches (dull pressure, fuzzy-headed feeling, mild head pain, etc), and I know that the muscles in my shoulders, upper back, and neck have been tight.

I went on a small vacation, and felt totally fine the first day, but the symptoms came back, and haven't left. I've made efforts to stretch these muscles, etc. But to no avail. I'm not experiencing severe dizziness/lightheadedness, but it does happen, especially if I move my head in particular ways. Never severe, just a slightly wobbly sort of feeling in my head. Looking up is the big one right now, though turning my head from side to side can do it, too. I've had tension headaches before, and while I can't say I'm 100% convinced that this is what's happening to me now (the dizziness/lightheaded feeling is new), it seems likely that its tension, and I'm trying to avoid a Dr. visit over it, unless it gets worse.

So here's the question...I've not been that stressed lately, wasn't anxious at all leading up to the onset of these headaches, and have felt pretty good otherwise...I'm wondering if some muscle pain/issues started things on their course, and then I began worrying about it to keep it going. But what do people do to deal with a latent/underground stress/anxiety? Often, a little beer or hanging out with friends does the trick for me, but this time it doesn't seem to be. I tried yoga, which was kinda good, though I ended up (I think) with some pulled abdominal muscles and the headaches didn't go away. I did some hiking over the weekend (and yoga) without any huge balance issues, so it doesn't seem to be anything huge, just a mild annoyance a lot of times. Any recommendations on squelching this stuff when its so subtle and diffused? I almost feel like full-blown anxiety about something can be easier to deal with (thought not as easy to cope with)...

Geez. Sorry this is so long.



08-07-08, 19:54
Underlying stress and anxiety can cause your neck muscles to tense - you say your neck and shoulders are tense- this in turn can affect your balance as the muscles and joints of your neck have balance receptors in them so tense mucles from whatever reason( I have severe spinal damage to my neck causing tense mucles) can give your dizziness and vertigo etc especially when moving your head.

So it can be as simple as tight muscles from anxiety.

10-07-08, 19:49
This is still getting at me. It'll be fine for a while, then hit without notice. It'd almost be better if the pain/lightheadedness was more severe, then I'd just go to the Dr. Instead, it's all usually pretty mild, and I try not to go to the Dr. for petty concerns, as it only feeds my anxiety.

This has hit me the past few nights, where if I wake up in the middle of the night, my head seems to swim worse than usual, then it's worse in the morning. Of course, that has the mean little voice in my head talking tumor, but I know it's still more likely just tension/anxiety/stress.


14-07-08, 23:05
Went to the Dr. today. He seemed far more interested in my dizziness than headaches, but didn't really pinpoint any good reason for them. Kind of frustrating to have him be somewhat dismissive about the headaches (especially since some of the big bad warning signs are present -- pain sometimes worsened when I bend over/lie down), but I guess I'll just wait a few weeks and see what happens. Annoying. I know it's unlikely that I have a brain tumor or something, but it would've been nice to get a little reassurance out of this guy.