View Full Version : Hello everyone, I’m Olivia

09-07-08, 02:32

My name is Olivia and I have suffered from agoraphobia for over 23 years, I did manage to conquer my fear for a few years but sadly it returned with vengeance and has left me with a very restricted life. My comfort zone is at present, a short distance of only 35 metres from my home, which I can just about manage on a good day. Apart from panic attacks the isolation is driving me nuts, so I am very pleased to see you all here and hope I will be able to contribute some helpful “thoughts” along the way (when I am having a better day than today)

Today my main concern is, my local post-office will soon be closing and that has sent me into an absolute panic, for I am unable to travel further a field to collect my cash for food. Hence my anxiety level has gone through the roof and I’m having sleepless nights and full blown panic attacks just at the thought. I also feel angry at the “big-wigs” who decided to axe this “vital service” and give no thought to us who will genuinely suffer in our health as a direct result of this brutal action. Well, I certainly could have done without this additional anxiety and I really don’t know how I will cope when my local post-office closes in six-weeks time. So any advice or information on this issue would be greatly appreciated

Be kind to yourself

Best wishes from

Olivia :doh:

09-07-08, 02:55
Hi Olivia,

Welcome to the site. I'm sorry they are closing your post office. Not understanding your system, is it just a check that is mailed to your post office? If so, could someone a neighbor perhaps pick it up for you and bring it to you? Maybe a family member? Hopefully, with our information and support, within 6 weeks you will be able to walk the extra field to your new post office. Please read on the left hand side of the forum under the Self Help Section for advice. I'm so glad you are here.

Take care,

Laura xxx

09-07-08, 04:18
Hi Laura,

Thank you for your reply and I hope this finds you having a good day?

My family live over 250 miles away, so they are unable to offer any practical help, but they are very supportive on the phone. My neighbors are in their 80’s + and very frail, so I would not burden them, for they too will be equally affected by the post-office closures. In the last 8 years two of my closest friends have died and I miss them terribly, so I have been trying to cope with my agoraphobia very much on my own. I hope this is not coming over as if I’m sorry for myself, because I’m not, I am merely trying to be honest and portray “why” this post-office closure is a huge problem for me. So far, as long as I was able to get my food, have a safe roof over my head and be warm in winter, then I did not grumble, well not too much anyway (grin).

Of course you are right Laura about the self help bit, but exposure therapy takes time and works better when there is minimal pressure and the post-office closure is happening in only six weeks time. So yes, I am struggling to find any positive thoughts because it all feels too much, too quickly. I don’t think I can reach that goal post on my own in such a short space of time and if I can’t, then I’m in deep trouble as my fundamental life needs will be threaded. I’ve now gone past panic mode and into floating mode and want to cry but can’t. I just wish this was not happening, I wish I could wish it away, but that won’t make it go away and I don’t think I can face it either, because I have other physical health problems which dictate my lifestyle as well.

I am so tired now and must sleep. Hopefully I will feel a little stronger tomorrow

Take care…and thank you for your kind thoughts

Olivia xx

Cathy V
09-07-08, 10:45
Hi olivia and welcome to nmp. Sorry to hear about your problem with agoraphobia. You dont mention medication or a doctor, but im assuming you do see a doctor? im surprised if you're having to cope with this alone as your agoraphia seems very limiting. I dont know what nhs services are available in your area (you dont mention your age or what you'd be entitled to in the way of home help) but you sound like a prime candidate for a community psychiatric nurse (cpn) if you live in an area that still provides this service that is...some areas no longer do unfortunately.

A cpn would show you how to overcome your panics when outside, and if successful would allow you to venture a bit further. Or maybe theres a helpline number for agoraphobics, and there are usually volunteers attached to these groups who will visit you in your home and help with shopping etc. I know this because i was once a volunteer myself, and sometimes there are kind people connected to the local churches too, who have drivers and people willing to help out. If you really feel you cant do it alone, there will be somebody out there who will help. Its just knowing where to find them!

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you
Best wishes
Cathy xxxx :flowers:

milly jones
09-07-08, 11:22
hi olivia

welcome to nmp

im sure there will be plenty ppl here who will have good ideas to support u

milly xx:hugs:

09-07-08, 11:37
Hi Olivia

Sorry To Hear You Havin A Bad Time.

All I Can Really Reccomend Is If You Receive Benefits To Either Ask Them To Direct Payment It To Your Bank (If You Dont Have An Account You Can Always Get A Basic One From One Of The Major Banks) Or If You Receive A Giro You Can Authorise Someone To Collect It On Your Behalf.

I Do Agree With You Though It Is Silly That They Are Closing All These Post Offices. When Will They Realise That They Do Provide A Vital Service For So Many People.

Take Care

09-07-08, 11:42

I was agoraphobic for 3 years. I can get out on my own now but my safe zone is about 3 miles radius from my home and I always go in my car.

I was thinking as you seem to get you money from the post office what about opening a bank account. Then you would be able to get a top up of money if you visit a shop near you. That is what I used to do as I have a shop a few doors down from my house.I did have the help of my daughter when I could not get out of the house. She had my pin number. I hope this might be of some practical help to you. :welcome:


09-07-08, 19:55
Hi Olivia

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

09-07-08, 22:37
Hi Olivia and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-07-08, 22:58
Hi Olivia,
Sorry to hear of your difficulties. Pehaps if you get your payments paid into a bank account, and then shop online at one of the big stores. There are always solutions to a problem, and loads of advice too.
Good luck

12-07-08, 16:54
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

01-01-11, 11:23
Hi olivia, welcome, i am a newbie too. i to am suffering with this, it has came on suddenly over the past few months and can only go within a 4mile radious (and even that i have panic attacks constantly until im on my way home) if i am going out i have someone with me to reassure me and to take me down when im really panicking, maybe you could take a friend or family member?
Hope this helps, its the most horrible feeling :(

04-04-11, 14:00
I am Chrissy, 64 years old, I have suffered with anxiety/ panic attacks and agorophobia since I was 25.I have done really well in the last 10/15 years, it was always in the background and would surface when there was any trauma in the family, but I have coped, although i'm never really sure if I learned to cope or if i learned to deal with it.
However recently I have found myself with IBS following gall bladder removal, I was advised to go on a wheat/gluten free diet and it does seem to be working.Looking back now over the last few months it is easy to see why, what has happened, happened.I had got myself so worked up about this problem(the usual like we sufferers, convinced myself i had some life threatening disease.These last few nights I have woken up in the night trembling and feeling terrified, unable to stop this it realy frightened me.Yesterday morning when i was doing my usual self analysis I realised what was happening.All this is due to anxiety and being obsessed with my bowel habits.It is helping realising this, now starts the process of trying not to dwell on this and keep myself busy.Take care

paula lynne
04-04-11, 15:33
Hi Chrissy 311 welcome. It may be better if you start your own thread as lots of people may miss this. Go to the introduce yourself part of the forum. Best wishes x

21-04-11, 09:24
I was very sorry to hear of your problems. The advice about payments directly into a Bank Account is very sound, and also the advice about shopping on line. Most of the big supermatlets allow you to do that and deliver to your door.

Atleast that way your immediate basic physical needs will be met whilst you seek more help.

I think that the person who suggested an Agoraphobic Support Group was right, they must have come across similar problems a million times.

I am not agoraphobic but have other health anxiety though thankfully not so limiting. Please know that you are not alone and that there is help there if you can reach out :hugs: