View Full Version : I don't feel very well:-( reassurance please.

09-07-08, 12:49
I don't feel too good at all. My daughter had a virus for 6 days, temp, sore throat, blisters in mouth and then a rash. The day she was over it my son came down with it, his temp has now gone but he has very swollen gums and a blister in his mouth. I woke up this morning, im all snuffly, I feel abit sick and I have a blister on the inside of my cheek, so far no temp.

I am just waiting for my other son to get it next, I have 3 children all under 7yrs.

They had hand, foot & mouth 2 yrs ago so I thought you only caught it once and that one time they had it my hubby & I didn't catch it. THe GP said about my daughter that it may be that but possibly a viral infection doing the rounds that causes mouth blisters, she never got any on her hands or feet but aparently you don't have to.

I took my son to the GP yesterda and he said its what my daughter had, again hadns & feet are clear but he said possibly it is but its unusual for them to get it more than once but these things do happen.

Does anyone know if you can get it twice? Its just strange how I feel rough when I didn't catch it last time they had it. I feel abit anxious becase stupid me read up on it on patient.co.uk & bupa and it said there can be complications such as heart & brain infections (meningitis which is my biggest fear) so of course im worrying myself stupid now that I will get a complication no matter how rare.

My husband said to me that as they both haven't had blisters on hand and feet its unlikely to be hand, foot & mouth because surely one of them would blister somewhere other than their mouth.

I hate anxiety:weep:

09-07-08, 13:06
Poor you - it sounds like you have caught whatever virus your children have - and I am fairly certain you could get hand, foot and mouth twice, in fact I'm sure as a friend of mine's child has def had it twice. There is NO way it's meningitis - you would be feeling a good deal worse if it was and the symptoms you describe don't have any correlation with meningitis. There are so many viruses going round schools/children that the doctors have no idea what half of them are - my daughter also had this high temp, blisters in mouth and general misery - it went, my son then got it, it went and my husband and I also went down with a mystery virus too - with young kids, it's the way it goes. Also, the complications that could go with it are EXTREMELY rare and usually only in children or immuno-compromised patients - I do know that hand foot and mouth in adults can be more severe than in children (like most things)...but not sinister.

I know exactly how you feel - I promise you, every bump, lump, cough etc. I immediately think the worst but honestly, you have just picked up a small virus and it will go and there is NO way it's meningitis - but of course, if you are too worried, go to your GP (that is what they are there for - don't be embarrassed about it) and get some reassurance from him/her.

09-07-08, 13:19
Thanks Bex,

I shall see how I go, I am not thinking I have meningitis right this minute but with my anxiety I worry it might happen.

I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow regarding my iron medication so if I still feel rough I can ask him about it. I will feel daft though;-)

My children had a temperature etc... before they blistered so hopefully I have it mild. Did you have the blisters when you caught it?

Thanks for your reply.

09-07-08, 14:30
Hello there,

I am so sorry your family is unwell and I understand how you are worried, I just had another worry the other day and I just wanted to send you a hug :hugs:

I really think if the Dr was worried he would tell you what kind of signs and symptoms to look out for and that you should then rush to the hospital it that happens or have them put in hospital now under observation including yourself.

A virus is unpredictable and just because some Drs say they have never seen kids/adults catch it twice doesn't mean it will never happen. They can never be 100% sure about something like that.

I hope you and your family get well soon, nothing like being sick together.
Sound like time for some indoor movies and board games if they are up to it. :)

09-07-08, 17:48
Hi Libby,
Just thought I would say that my daughter whos is 5 has had hand,foot and mouth twice,once from nursery and then from school,the second time being the worst. She had a rash on her feet and the palms of her hands and a really high temp. We let her sleep on the sofa one night because we wanted to watch over her she was that bad. The gp gave her some medicine that is anti viral(something like zovirax in liqued form)it was brilliant.She didn't get blisters in her mouth though(1 thing she escaped)but was pretty poorly all the same. I am sure by what you describe that's what's going on but if you are not happy there's always A/E or another trip to the quacks for reasurrance. I hope you all feel better very soon!
Love Mothermac xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S It's always scary when children are ill as a lot of illnesse's have similiar symptoms so we get confused as parents don't we?but I am sure the gp would have advised you correctly.

09-07-08, 20:17
Hi Libby - yes, my husband and I both had them - pretty horrid, but they went. Glad to hear you're seeing your Doc - am sure he/she will reassure you. Try and stay positive if you can and hope your kids get better.

tayside lassie
10-07-08, 08:31
hiya libby ...in answer to the " hand-foot-mouth virus " you dont have to have the blisters on hand/feet ...xmas pass there my wee lad of nine had that virus feet/hand were fine but the inside of his mouth/gums/roof and a bit on lips was COVERED in blisters he had high temp/vomiting and the odd spot here and there on his body /head .it took upto 3 weeks before his mouth felt better plus he lost 7 pounds in weight cause he could not eat ..

i cant believe that virus is still making its rounds ..i do hope you all feel better soon .... :hugs: :hugs:


10-07-08, 11:02
Thanks very much,

I feel better today, blister has almost gone and no more have appeared so I think I have had a mild dose (touch wood). My daughter is better and my son is much brighter today. I am just waiting for my other son to come down with it, he does like to keep us waiting;-)