View Full Version : not well

09-07-08, 13:21
hi all, I am on holiday in menorca at the min & for the past 3 days in a row I have been sick. I have awful headache & feel dizzy. I am sitting in shade al the time & drinking lots of water and also not drinking much on a night (max of 2 units). keep thinking its something like a tumor & am worried for flight home. reasure me pls someone????

09-07-08, 13:28
So sorry you're not well... you did so well getting there. Didn't you have a lot of medical tests done not that long ago? I remember you having trouble with your stomach and IBS... could it not just be that with a bit of anxiety thrown in for good measure? Thinking of you... let me know how you are.
sending you a big hug :bighug1: xxx

09-07-08, 13:35
Could it be something you have eaten? I usually get a dodgy tum when I am away.

Hope you feel well soon.

09-07-08, 13:43

sorry your not feeling well

i also think it could be maybe some food you have eaten or maybe the water is not the same over there :huh:
hope you start to feel better and enjoy the rest of your holiday

Jodie xx

09-07-08, 13:49
I always get upset tums on holiday, I have never quite figured out why, it's possibly because holidays in hot countries increase my anxiety and possibly because of the food/water. I try to be careful with what I eat/drink but I still end up with stomach upsets.

Make sure that you keep having plenty of fluids (no ice cubes), try to eat cooked foods (no salads), even just chips will do, something plain.

Are you feeling very anxious? If so I think this could be a likely reason for it, keep telling yourself that you are only feeling like this because you are anxious, it's not a brain tumour.

Hope you feel better soon
Take care
Jo x

09-07-08, 16:20
What is the temp like out there? Have you been sitting in the sun it sounds a bit like sunstroke.

I have just been looking at the temp for Menorca and it is 29 degrees that is hot.

09-07-08, 20:19
Def sounds like sun stroke to me - classic symptoms - drink loads of bottled water and stay out of the sun. Hope you're better soon and try not to think the worst.

miss diagnosis
10-07-08, 21:19
i always get funny tum on hols. no matter how careful u are about drinking the water u can rest assured they dont use bottled water when cooking!

take some motilum drink loads of water and get off the internet and enjoy your holiday lol xxx

11-07-08, 21:00
Drink lots of water and sleep lots. It could be the change of temperature and the fact that you are on holiday, your surroundings and rythms change. I have also heard that people on weekends or holidays can get more headaches than usual--really bad ones--because they get more sleep than usual--too much sleep--and it throws the body off. Try to enjoy yourself--I always feel worried and ill on holidays--just knowing you are outside of your comfort zone in terms of pharmacies and doctors. I am so sure that you will be fine. I spent my whole holiday last summer with my beautiful family convinced that I had headlice--sounds crazy I know--but i spent so much time focused on it and looking back, I think it was a shame that I missed out on that time with my family. Take care, Texel

12-07-08, 19:00
hi all, I am back from my hols now & pleased to say I only had one anxious day which is when I posted this thread & a couple of moments but I soon stopped myself & I really enjoyed my holiday & was very relaxed. Thanks for all replying. xx