View Full Version : Is anyone aching, feeling really sick & v v weak upon waking?

09-07-08, 13:46
Someone please put my mind at ease.. as usual Im convinced Im really ill!

Throughout the day my whole body feels extremely weak and tired, sometimes shakey and feeble (sp), kinda like my legs are really struggling to support me, so much so I dont feel up to doing anything.

It takes me ages to get up and about after I wake up, but if I wake up early, say 2am ish before Ive had at least 8 hours, I really do struggle, its like Im going to drop any second, Im really shakey like its so hard to get myself up and support my own weight.. the best I can described it s like when youve had a sickness bug and are left feeling weak, only Im like that daily. I also feel quite nauseous when I first wake up, and it takes me ages to want anything at all to eat in the mornings.

Im really struggling to accept this is purely anxiety and I feel Im very much alone with this particular symptom - meaning it must be something else :weep: .

I see some really old ppl seeming to get about and have more of a life than me.. Im 28 feeling at least 68! I feel like my muscles are wasting away or something, its awful.


09-07-08, 13:59
Hi Nikki,

I replied to your post here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=32821

Anxiety can make you feel all of those things you describe, it's exactly how I felt last week when I was at my worst - severe exhaustion, weakness, nausea, dizzy, like my legs weren't there.

I feel a bit better now thanks to the medication I am on (fluoxetine). I do think you should go and see your doctor to get some help with this.

Take care
Jo x

09-07-08, 16:01
Similar thing happens to me - I wake up & feel exhausted, palpitations start immediately, when I stand up heart begins to race & I need to sit or lie down again for a few moments. My neck and back ache, chest feels heavy and electrical impulses travel around my whole body. I am convinced this is anxiety and stress though, because it's been going on for a while now, and if I really had some serious health problem, I would know by now. Anxiety comes and goes, and I guess we must live with this fact...

09-07-08, 16:49

i think part of the road to recovery is accepting it is anxiety, i know its hard, im struggling too, but the more you worry about it, the worse it will get. im having cbt at the moment, and she suggests that i should not be afraid of it, feal the fear, because if i dont, and i continue to fear the fear, the im making the vicious circle of anxiety complete. you have to learn to stop the circle. when you have the negative thought, ie. im feel sick, leave it at that, dont exagerate on it, dont catastrasize (spelling lol) every sypmtom, (by the way thats what im doing!). feeling exhausted is normal for anxiety, even when you havent done anything, you feel mentally and physically exhausted, its the adrenaline, dont worry about it.

take care
love libbie x

09-07-08, 18:15
Hi Nikki - you didn't say whether you were on any meds or not. If you are then its something to factor in. When I was on Trazadone I didn't have the strength to make it up the stairs without my head spinning and feeling sick. As it was a new one for me, coming off it resolved the problem.

Also I took extra Diazepam last night as I couldn't sleep, so as a result I haven't had the energy to do much today as the effects last longer. That was until I got some food down me.

As you're off your food in a morning its worth looking at your diet too. If you can manage a piece of fruit first thing, it'll help kick start your metabolism. If you can't manage solids, consider a protein drink. You'd be amazed at the lethargy a poor diet can produce. When I was at my worst I sometimes didn't eat for days. Which in turn made me feel very weak.

Just a thought.


10-07-08, 08:36
It's funny because I was going to post on a similar thing until I found this.

Sometimes I wake up and wonder what happened to me in the night. For instance last night I went to bed feeling OK but when I woke up this morning I felt awful. Like I'd been run over by a steamroller. I would liken it to flu like as well. The only thing I can think is that perhaps we tense up when we're asleep and that then makes us fatigued in the morning?

I've had the shaky feeling but I've had my blood suger checked and that was fine so unless it's temporary hypoglycemia, I'm certainly not diabetic. Also my cortisol was fine so it's not Addisons which was my other worry.

I still worry a little about MS and yesterday if you saw my post I felt rediculously dizzy. Some days I feel great and I have to remember those days in my mind. On the orad to recovery I'm sure we will have good and bad days.

I have just started reading the book my Dr Claire Weekes which people have reccommended to me. It really does talk sense and it;s like Libbie says, the key is to face the fear and not fear the fear. I'm not quite yet there. I keep thinking I am but then I'll have a palpitation or feel dizzy and I'm scared again.

Mostly I am so much better than what I was but there is so much room for improvement.

Oh and I am a year older than you so don't worry about the feeling old thing. I think it every day too!

10-07-08, 10:07
Thank you all v much for your replies:) Its made me feel a bit better.. not that some of you are suffering too, but that it probably is just the anxiety and Im not alone, because I felt totally alone with this one.. I often think 'surely I cant feel THIS ill and it be just anxiety'

Im not on any meds, Im also trying to eat as best I can. Thinking about it the not being able to eat in the morning has been with me for ages, my parents dont like breakfasts, my fiance now also, like me, takes a while to want breakfast and doesnt eat as soon as he wakes.

I do remember before my anxiety got this bad that when I would have a panic attack I would feel exhausted for the rest of the day and into the following day, so I guess it shouldnt be suprising that Im aching on a daily basis when Im panicing on a daily basis, and if Im not panicing- probably bcos I havent left the house that day, then Im still worrying about it all.

Thank you again for your replies, Im so so glad I found this site:) :) .

10-07-08, 10:20
It's funny because I was going to post on a similar thing until I found this.

Sometimes I wake up and wonder what happened to me in the night. For instance last night I went to bed feeling OK but when I woke up this morning I felt awful. Like I'd been run over by a steamroller. I would liken it to flu like as well. The only thing I can think is that perhaps we tense up when we're asleep and that then makes us fatigued in the morning?

I've had the shaky feeling but I've had my blood suger checked and that was fine so unless it's temporary hypoglycemia, I'm certainly not diabetic. Also my cortisol was fine so it's not Addisons which was my other worry.

I still worry a little about MS and yesterday if you saw my post I felt rediculously dizzy. Some days I feel great and I have to remember those days in my mind. On the orad to recovery I'm sure we will have good and bad days.

I have just started reading the book my Dr Claire Weekes which people have reccommended to me. It really does talk sense and it;s like Libbie says, the key is to face the fear and not fear the fear. I'm not quite yet there. I keep thinking I am but then I'll have a palpitation or feel dizzy and I'm scared again.

Mostly I am so much better than what I was but there is so much room for improvement.

Oh and I am a year older than you so don't worry about the feeling old thing. I think it every day too!

Can I ask how youre getting better, are you taking medication at all

I noticed that yesterday it had been ages without having a drink, and so Id probably had 1.5 pints of water, if that.. I know what youre all going to say:blush: , but I also had some pains again down below, like lightening bolts, Id not had those for 2weeks ish, but last night they were back and kept me awake a little.. so Im not sure if its the poor sleep or lack of water but I feel worse today than I did yesterday. Im also due on in 5 days and things usually get worse for me around then. I also read that even when youre sleeping you may not be in a deep enough sleep, stage 4 I think, the stage that repairs your body and helps remove toxins etc. Anyway, are you drinking enough and sleeping well, there could be a link, or at least a bit of an explanation, hope.

I also hae Claire Weekes book, I bought one a while ago, maybe 2 years ago and I bought the essential one I think its called, just a week ago, Im still on the first but I hear the 2nd is a good follow on.

I also try and get myself out, or to do general things, then I realise I dont feel 100 p.cent and I get into a big panic and dread.

Feel free to email me if you want.. and thanks for saying Im not on my own with the age thing, my parents tell me they ache everyday etc, that it takes them a while to get out of bed, but then I think, well youre in your 40's and Im only 28 - making me feel a bit worse lol


25-08-08, 12:24
The aching in the morning happens to me too. I too think Im ill from cancer to ME from Lymphoma to MS......The feeling lasts about an hour then I start to feel a little better for the day ( Though somedays this lasts all day yuck)

I find if I can fit in some excercise during the day while Im doing it Its not great but afterwards I feel a lot better??

I do try and force myself to eat breakfast but I do take a long time to do it ha aha h..

Again I feel it is due stress as because of over the last 5 years or so I have every other symptom going yuk yuk....I had this waking thing a good 3 years or so.....(Although on a occasional days I wake and feel fine. I have also found that if I get up immediatley instead of drifting back to sleep for a while I feel better ??

All the best


21-09-08, 02:28
I have had some of the same problems...waking up feeling awful...dry mouth...heavy chest...aching from my lower back to my shoulders and neck. I have also had prostate cancer and an atrial fib ablation due to an irregular heart beat. I feel tired most of the time and strenuous activities absolutely wear me out. It has been 5 years since the prostate surgery and 4 years since the heart surgery. I don't understand why I don't feel better than I do.

21-09-08, 11:18
Hi Nikki,

I get some of what you describe... especially the aches and nausea. sometimes I wake up and have this wierd pressure like tingling where my heart is, and sometimes this feeling covers the whole abdomen area right up to chest bone.

Amazingly, I woke up this morning and felt NO symptoms at all :yesyes: (for the first time in ages!)...it only lasted about 10 minutes though (it was 10 minutes of bliss though after a rough 4 months!).. but slowly but surely as my mind woke up, i guess the subconcsious started to fire little anxiety thoughts again and some symtpoms started to creep back, especially the nausea and then my left arm went numb.

In terms of feeling very weak, I have had that in the past, when I was really, really anxious and would often just spend hours in bed because I was so week and dizzy, so I really feel for you, as it is horrible.

I hope that you are feeling more perky soon.

21-09-08, 18:59
This is something I am familiar with. I had a few weeks ago and then it went away but this weekend is back with a vengance. If you don't get too agitated try to relax as much as you can. I actually found a can of Coke perked me up yesterday but I'm out of juice today and can't go out to get some so like yourself am just putting up with it in the hope that tomorrow it will be better.

All the best
