View Full Version : How do you relax, any recommendations?

09-07-08, 15:16
I was wondering if anyone could recommend some relaxation CD's, stuff like that?

I find it impossible to concentrate to read a book, my fiance bought me Russel Brands book, and he also buys me Heat mag and yet I cant concentrate to read even those!

I am starting more crafy/hobby stuff like I used to about 6 years ago when I didnt even know what anxiety was.. some things I love, some Im not fussed about, but ATM Im loving card making, but even diong that the negative thoughts still manage to creep in, and my body aches a lot making it hard to relax/get comfy.

What do you all do to relax?

I find some days my mind just does not shut off and I feel really unhealthy/unwell like Im at breaking point with my nerves.. like earlier my son dropped a car on the floor and I just about shot up to the ceiling because of the bang (wasnt that loud), it took me a while to calm again too, its like Im constantly on edge and I think I desperately need to chill out before it gets any worse, anyone else feel that way?

Thanks :) .

milly jones
09-07-08, 15:50
hi nikki

i like to get out walking. it clears my head and allows time to think if neccessary.

i too have not learnt the art of relaxation in the house. ive tried cds etc

work used to be my relaxation until a breakdown lol

but i have been out with nmp mate on walks and just being able to relax in someones company is good. being open to discuss ur fears and not be judged.

dont do baths, music, hobbies etc

may be one day lol

love mill xx

09-07-08, 18:46
Hiya Nikki
Idont know if this will help you in any way, but i find baking cakes and cookies really helps me, like you i find it difficult to concentrate on reading, give it a go like me you might even enjoy it
Best of luck POLLY

09-07-08, 19:59
Hi nikki,
I find anything arty or crafty creative stuff relaxes me.

09-07-08, 20:44
I swim and meditate.

I find meditation more difficult on lower doses of citalopram. My muscles and nerves just don't want to relax.

09-07-08, 21:32
Try deep breathing, yoga and relaxation cds/dvds.
Hope they work for you!