View Full Version : ramblings of a mad man

09-07-08, 21:30
Right, sorry guys but im gonna have a bit of a vent here. Basically im 22, live in Surrey and have been suffering from Social anxiety and depression for about 7 years now. It's a bit strange because my S.A. came out of the blue really, i was really outgoing, and pretty confident but i when i started a new college i began to find it really hard to interact with people.

In a period of years four of my friends also passed away and i just began to think far to deepley about things. College went from bad to worse, i was smoking alot of hash(just seemed like a normal thing to do despite adding to the feelings of paranoia) and i just couldnt face classes. Due to my crap performance in college people started getting on my back, tutors, my parents but i can't really blame them for not understanding, as i cant really understand it myself. I quit college and have been through various jobs since but never really been able to commit to anything career wise.

To be honest it is starting to seriously p**s me off because im a really ambitious person, i want to earn decent money and help my parents out, they basically work every hour of thew day to pay bills but im stuck in a rut. I hate my job, but its convenient as its close to my home but i am completely exploited by my boss because i cant build up the confidence to do something about it. I am constantly in my own head, and am frankly s**t at social interaction because i cant stop worrying about things while having conversations etc..

The worst part about it is that i still go out with my friends all the time and do social thing but i hate having to force myself into these situations where i just feel so unatural. I just think that i must be doing it to keep up pretences and seem normal. The thing is with people of my age most social occassions seem to involve boose and after a couple of drinks i feel so perfectly relaxed can interact propaly and actually feel like the real me. Recently ive started relying on this now tho and always drink before going out.

Last year i met a girl that seemed perfect for me. She was funny, intelligent , beautiful and met me drunk so i made a pretty good impression. We went on holiday together began dating and for the first time i was with someone that i genuienly loved and apparently she loved me to. Unfortunately i just couldnt open up and truely relax and couldnt get rid of the immense fear and dread i felt permenantley in my head. Due to this we broke up late last year which i was gutted about as i felt i really had so much to offer and i know there was something special there.

Every bloody day is a struggle and i just wanna live a normal life without constantly worrying about stuff. I put alot of pressure on myself because i dont want to waste my life and wanna be successful and proud of my achievements. However this anxiety is holding me back so much i sometimes doubt if i will ever get rid of it. I just constantlly feel physically and mentally drained.

Okay ive rambled on for ages now, but it sure is nice to get it of my chest as i dont have anyone to talk to. I would really appreciate any advice anyone can give me and i despite all the whinging ive been doing for the last half an hour, i know in my heart of hearts that i and all you other people suffering can get through our problems with each others support.
Much Love, Jay

milly jones
09-07-08, 21:54
jay i can totally relate to this hun

welcome to nmp

love milly xx:hugs:

09-07-08, 22:01
hiya jay a good old rant always helps matey, i can relate to bits of that i think if u havent done so already u should consider some counselling and deal with all the things that have contributed to how u are feeling now. from my own experience only then will u be able to move and and enjoy life. not opening up etc is just a form of protection for u to stop u getting hurt and theres nothing wrong with that i have been there but sometimes we do need to open up and express exactly how we feel especially to loved ones etc as it helps them to understand too. sorry i waffled on and sending u a hug xx

09-07-08, 22:18
Hi Jay

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people on here and get loads of help and support.

09-07-08, 22:40
Hi Jay and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-07-08, 22:45
Hi jay,
I agree with donna01. You need to start with some counselling. Your confidence sounds very low but chatting to people on this site can help build that up. Please watch the booze, it is not the answer.
Take care you are not alone.

12-07-08, 16:56
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

13-07-08, 23:18
Thanks guys, i appreciate the support and will definately consider councelling, Cheers everyone for taking the time to post you suggestions.

14-07-08, 10:57
Hiya hun :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Im sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment. keep posting as its good to talk about things and i realy hope we can be of some help to you. We also have a great chat room where you can talk to ppl about things or just have a giggle,so i hope to talk to you soon.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


14-07-08, 14:16
Hello Jay21 And Welcome I Know It Can Be Very Frustrating Day In Day Out But Do Know This It Does Pass....you Just Have To Try And Not Be So Hard On Yaself And Try And Stay Positive ...i Wish Ya Well...........linda

14-07-08, 19:49
Hi Jay,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
