View Full Version : *Waves* Hello

09-07-08, 21:36
Hello to everyone here,

I've been hanging around on the site for a couple of weeks now reading the articles and finding it all generally very helpful. I'd like to thank all of you who have spent the time to contribute, I've looked at several sites in the last few years and to find such a huge amount of good information in one place and more importantly to have things explained is just such a useful thing to find so thanks!

Brief introduction is in order perhaps. I'm Chris from wet old Nottingham, I'm 30 years of age and have suffered from a mixture of general anxiety, panic attacks and depression for the last three and a half years. I'd been okay for 18 months but things have crept up on me again in the last two months and it's good to see a thriving community here and although I don't know any of you just reading some of your posts is sometimes enough to ease things during the darker moments.

One last thing, I apologise in advance for my poor humour, it's often the only thing that keeps me sane. I hope to see you all around on the forums and thanks for reading! :)


09-07-08, 21:49
Hi chris

I think this is the best site too. I went through my last bout of anxiety attacks around 2 years ago and visited this site regularly but I didn't actually register then, I just read other peoples posts for reassurance - it was a great help.

Yes I think having a sense of humour is the best way to get through this, we have to see the funny side. I'm not speaking for everyone here, but I know I'm daft with some of the things I get myself in a state of anxiety about! :D

Looking forward to seeing more posts from you.
Jo x

milly jones
09-07-08, 21:49
hi chris

a warm welcome to the nmp family

sure ull gain support here and be of help to others too

milly xx :hugs:

09-07-08, 22:11
Why, thank you both of you :)

09-07-08, 22:16
Hi Chris

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people on here and get loads of help and support.

09-07-08, 22:39
Hi Chris and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-07-08, 22:48
welcome chris,
this is the best site. keep posting!

12-07-08, 16:55
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx