View Full Version : Wot a week

09-07-08, 22:24
Hi my name is Gareth,im 33 years old,had a panic attack at 27 and affected me in ways i'm only realising now.Changed jobs from an electrician to a contracts manager a year ago,first high powered meeting i had after a couple of months resulted in a small panic attack.After brushing that to one side(trying to) last week i had the worst one up to yet solely due to the amount of workload i think,different to the previous ones.Temp doctor gave me seroxat tablets,took them back to my normal doctor who then threw them in the bin.
Just wondering if theres anyone out there who's been through or can relate?:shrug:

Much appreciated

09-07-08, 22:36
Hi gadger,
Panic attacks are very frightening. They can dominate your thinking and stop you from moving forward. I too suffer from panic attacks. They are normal in people who are anxious. What you will have to do is try and find what is trigging your attacks and go from there.
Give yourself some space as well and slow down at work. Your job sounds exhausting!! Hope this helps.

09-07-08, 22:41
Hi Gareth and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

09-07-08, 23:12
Thanx Leonard
The quack did give me a couple of weeks off, but we are that busy at the moment at work i've had to go in, just takin deep breaths and doing alot less at the moment seems to be getting me through
thanx Gareth

09-07-08, 23:22
Hi Gareth

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

You will meet some lovely people on here and get loads of help and support.

All the advice you need is free on the website pages here so have a read and good luck

milly jones
10-07-08, 16:52
hi gareth

work solely contributed to me being unable to manage my anx disorder

nmp will help u

welcome hun

milly xx :hugs:

12-07-08, 15:47
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx